Computer and gaming addiction. what is gambling addiction? it has been established that gambling can cause addiction, somewhat reminiscent of alcohol

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

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Gambling is an addiction to gambling. A type of addiction in which escape from reality and a change in state is achieved by excitement during gambling. gambling addiction(ludomania), according to the experience of worldwide observations, is one of the most stubborn and cruel passions, completely similar to drug addiction. The geniuses of Russian literature, Pushkin and Dostoevsky, were also prone to gambling addiction. Predilection N.A. Nekrasov's love for cards was reflected in his testament to his friends that during this "last journey" they should play cards on his coffin. Game addictions belong to the group of non-chemical, informational, socio-psychological addictions. Conditional drug acts here play activity, gambling. There are many varieties of games, however, the most common among us are “one-armed bandit”, card game poker in a casino, various scams, computer games (according to world statistics, every tenth person who deals with a computer becomes addicted), electronic roulette, the Internet.

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Among the specific criteria of gambling addiction are temporary, material and frequency indicators.

Yu.A.Akopov identifies the following criteria:

  • General gaming experience. The higher it is, the greater the dependence.
  • The duration of one session of continuous play. A.Yu. Akopov cites a game duration record for St. Petersburg, equal to 60 hours of continuous play without leaving the casino.
  • Maximum loss. Sometimes for "large" players it reaches $400,000 per evening. The higher the loss, the greater the addiction.
  • Max win. Sometimes "big" players win several tens of thousands of dollars in one evening. For game addicts, the gain is always only conditional, intermediate, received not at the end, but during the game; such players (with addiction) always leave with empty pockets, having completely lost.
  • slide 5

    • The size of the minimum starting amount of the player in the initial stage of the game, determined by his
    • individual psychological characteristics, the degree of addictiveness (partiality) and material wealth.
    • Frequency of visits to gambling halls, casinos, etc. if it is systematic, then this serves as an indicator of gambling addiction.
    • The amount of the total debt for the game period. There is a well-known example of a player in St. Petersburg who lost 1 million dollars.
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    Motivational foundations of gambling addiction and behavior of addicts

    7 illusions (A.Yu. Akopov):

    1. The illusion of a big win is the original most persistent illusion, associated with a focus on a big win, which, supposedly, will solve all their life problems at once. Close to it is the illusion of the opportunity to earn money by playing, as well as the illusion of the opportunity to leave with a big win.

    2. the illusion of recouping at once and thereby fully repaying the debt. Gaming addicts are distinguished by the ability to earn money quickly, worries about a major loss are quickly forgotten, washed away under the onslaught of a new wave of desire to play and in anticipation of a win. At first (stages of dependence), the player can still leave with a win. True, he will burn his pocket, and he can quickly lower it right there, on the way home or the next day in the game, or thoughtlessly spend it on trifles: the player does not consider the money won to be his own, honestly earned, he does not feel sorry for them, unlike lost: "You lose your own, you win someone else's."

    3. an illusory pseudo-possibility of controlling the game situation and the game process (up to the insane desire to beat the machines themselves, and through them - even the owners of casinos and machines).

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    Some players have an illusion of the possibility of influencing the croupier, the machine, the order of loss, combinations of images, numbers.

    4. illusions of control over one's gaming behavior, one's activity, in particular, the psycho-emotional state.

    5. illusory perception of the nature of the game (elements of individualization, personification, personification, animation, identification, appropriation, up to complete mastery of the object of dependence; the illusion of "playing with a partner", more often hostile).

    6. Game fantasizing as an illusion of a surrogate compensation for the game during the period of abstinence, i.e. refraining from playing when for various reasons it is impossible (no money, machine gun, etc.) The game replaces real life for the player, and game fantasizing replaces the game (in a dream and in reality in car numbers, in a pile of tomatoes, the player sees “happy” , prize combinations of numbers, images).

    7. the illusion of the possibility of foreseeing and controlling the consequences of the game, expressed in the attitudes that “I am special, successful” and alien to me: losses, large debts, impoverishment of the family, its breakup, loss of friends and loved ones, jobs, apartments, marginality and personal degradation .

    However, for most gaming addicts, this is the real ending!

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    Degrees of gambling addiction

    0) Lack of gambling addiction (“social” player). At this stage, the game is conditioned by cognitive interest and is used for entertainment, distraction, relaxation, rest, disconnection from problems (family, personal, potential)

    1) Weak, initial. The struggle of motives is insignificant, the strong-willed refusal to play prevails with a weak desire to play. Does not lose all the money available at the beginning of the game. Short game sessions. The stakes are small but rising. Minor wins and losses.

    2) Average. The struggle of motives "to play - not to play", it is quite pronounced. As a rule, it is less often possible not to start the game if you want to play (i.e., you cannot forbid yourself to play by an effort of will); excitement is poorly controlled; "lucky" less often; losses gradually have more and more subjective significance than wins, stimulating the continuation of the game; the amounts of current, intermediate losses and gains grow, as well as the final loss; the gaming session is lengthening, approaches to the halls and casinos become more frequent. The player gains experience by getting into addiction, builds his game systems, game process more and more overgrown with rituals, superstitions, shows game fantasizing (fantasizing about the game outside of it, when there is no opportunity to play): for example, he sees favorite, lucky combinations of numbers or images in a dream, notices them everywhere in reality (in car numbers, etc. ).

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    3) Pronounced stage of gambling addiction. The complete absence of a struggle of motives; the player is ready to play daily and unlimited time, plays whenever there is time and any amount of cash.

    Change in attitude towards money: they lose their own meaning, their meaning and already
    are perceived not as banknotes with which you can buy everything, but as simple “paper notes”, but having the meaning of a symbol of the game for the player: cash is identified only with the game, with the ability to play, and this is the main meaning of existence, all life with a pronounced degree dependencies. Shortening the period of abstinence and the entire game cycle (the time from the end of one game to the end of another), an increase in the length of the game day.

    Complete loss of control over their condition and their gaming behavior; inadequate, subjective-biased assessment of the game situation.

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    Stages of gambling addiction

    They reflect the motivational dynamics of gambling. This process, excluding the zero stage or its absence, includes according to A.Yu. Akopov the following three stages:

    Stage I of the illusory perception of the game and oneself (playing to win, in motivation the dominance of the player's illusions)

    II stage of the game for the sake of the game itself (non-illusory perception of the game against the background of a distorted attitude towards oneself, one's capabilities; the goal of the game is the process itself)

    III stage of degradation and complete devastation of the personality.

    At this stage, the game is not played for the sake of winning or for the sake of the game process itself, regardless of winning or losing (1 and 2), but playing under obsessive coercion, without any pleasure from the game process and with indifference to its results and possible negative

    This stage is characterized by the collapse of the family, the loss of friends, the loss of work, housing, impoverishment, the state of the homeless, the slave of the game.

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    Typology of game addicts

    Donors are "fighters", unsuccessfully fighting slot machines, losing their stash, salaries, scholarships, etc. They are the “nourishing” basis of the gaming business, including emotional romantics, gentlemen of fortune who believe in today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

    Professionals. This group is represented by persons with high emotional and activity control. As a rule, their game is limited to a daily win or loss of $200-300. the game for this group of people is a kind of professional activity. They come to clubs or casinos as if they were going to work.

    This group consists of the so-called big players who bet at least $10,000 during the game. Accordingly, the gain or loss of such people can reach several hundred thousand.

    Fraudsters. Representatives of this group are trying by any means to get a million winnings. They are persecuted by the owners of clubs and casinos, as well as by police officers.

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    In the system of psychotherapeutic methods for the treatment of gambling addiction and psychological assistance to addicts, the formation of adequate social attitudes such as:

    1. Money is not won, but earned;

    2. One of the players always loses;

    3. The gaming business exists at the expense of losing customers;

    4. Slot machines are programmed to win the club or casino;

    5. Slot machines are produced for the gaming business, not for players;

    6. The gaming business in Russia, as well as throughout the world, is very aggressive and ruthless, both towards adults and children.

    View all slides

    Title="(!LANG:Computer addiction => Game addiction The term "computer addiction" defines a person's pathological predilection for working or spending time at the computer. For the first time, computer addiction was discussed in the early 80s of America">!}

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    Presentation on the topic: gambling addiction

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    What is gambling addiction? Against the background of dysfunctional children, computer gamers look quite innocent: they do not disappear on the street, they behave quietly and calmly, very rarely disappear from the field of view of their parents. Then what is the problem? And the fact that games are gradually crowding out all other activities: first, the child stops walking, then his live communication with friends and peers is reduced to nothing - there are only chats, network games and chimes for the joint passage of game levels. Nothing to say about education. I go into the tenth grade during the lesson - the teacher explains the material in almost complete silence. Only a strange rustling and separate exclamations are heard that are clearly not related to the topic: every second person under the desk has portable game consoles. What kind of physics is here!

    slide number 5

    Description of the slide:

    Computer addiction => Gaming addiction The term "computer addiction" defines a person's pathological predilection for working or spending time at the computer. For the first time, American scientists started talking about computer addiction in the early 80s. Nowadays, the term "computer addiction" is still not recognized by many scientists dealing with problems mental disorders, however, the very phenomenon of the formation of a pathological connection between a person and a computer has become obvious and is gaining more and more scope.

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    In addition to computer addiction, there are some related types of addictions: Internet addiction and gambling, which, one way or another, are associated with spending a long time at the computer. The characteristic features of addictions of various types are: withdrawal syndrome, the desire to get an object of addiction, behavior aimed at acquiring an object of addiction, a decrease in a critical attitude towards the negative aspects of addiction, a loss of interest in relation to the social side of life, appearance, satisfaction of other needs.

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    4. Attachment stage. This stage is characterized by the extinction of a person's gaming activity, a shift in the psychological content of the personality as a whole towards the norm. The relationship between a person and a computer at this stage can be compared to a loose but firmly sewn button. Those. a person “keeps a distance” from the computer, but cannot completely break away from the psychological attachment to computer games. This is the longest of all stages - it can last a lifetime, depending on how fast the attachment fades.

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    Everything for the computer! If junior and middle school students sit out their pants to the detriment of active actions, then with teenagers and young people everything is much more complicated. They lose motivation for any other activity (including communication with the opposite sex, going to college and work), except for computer games. This is where parents begin to sound the alarm: instead of preparing for admission to a university, a child beats orcs around the clock. Even parting with a loved one is not able to return to reality: your son may simply not notice that his girlfriend has not called or come for two weeks. One eighteen-year-old boy once told me: while playing, time flies so imperceptibly that you can sit down for half an hour and get up the next day. Quite similar to what casino visitors say, isn't it?

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    Description of the slide:

    Return to life - Volodenka, take a walk in the yard. What a glorious, sunny day, - Mom suggested. - Tomorrow we'll go fishing, I promised you a long time ago, - Dad's voice rang out. Volodya was sitting at the computer and was silent, there was no time to answer. An army of aliens has invaded Earth. Flying saucers circled in the air. Volodya was given a new powerful weapon! - What are you, grandson, stuck to the computer? You don't go outside for the third day. Turn off your box, let's go to the market. Will you help me, - the voice of the grandmother was heard. - Ba, leave me alone, - the boy asked. “My land is dying. Aliens broke into the city. Slide No. 14

    Description of the slide:

    The boy woke up near the ancient fortress. Volodya was terribly tired and lay down on the grass near the stone wall. “Strange, there are no smells here,” thought Volodya. The boy remembered how sweet the flowers smell. This is not in the rules of the game, - a metallic voice of the computer rang out. - But I want to lie down on the grass, - Volodya objected. - Although it is not interesting to lie on your grass. She's artificial. No beetles, ants, different flowers. There's nothing to even look at.” “You don't need to look at the grass,” the metallic voice objected. - Create your army, fight ...

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    “I don't want to fight anymore. If you only knew how good it is to splash around in the river in the summer.” “I don't understand,” the computer interrupted the boy, “everything gets spoiled by water.” “It's great to look at the fire. The flame plays, sparkles, - the boy remembered. - I don’t understand where the flame is? - a metallic voice got excited. - I'm just dreaming, - Volodya explained. “I dream of going fishing.” “You have to fight…” the computer's voice trembled and asked, “Tell me about fishing.” “I haven't been fishing for a hundred years. Everyone played with you. “That can't be. You were gone a hundred years ago, and I'm only two years old, - the computer objected, but the boy only waved his hand in response. The voice fell silent. Pictures began to appear before Volodya's eyes, one more interesting than the other: tombs with treasures, underwater kingdoms, space stations. The boy closed his eyes and began to remember the smell of his mother's perfume.

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    Suddenly everything began to spin, and Volodya saw above him the frightened faces of mom, dad and an unfamiliar woman in a white coat. “Thank you, doctor, for bringing him to his senses,” mom said in alarm. “Don't worry, the fainting has passed,” the doctor replied. “Let him sit at home.” Volodya jumped up in fright: “No, I don’t want to stay at home, dad promised that we’ll go fishing tomorrow.” “But you’re too weak,” the doctor tried to object. “You can’t break a man’s word,” dad winked at his son.

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    Description of the slide:

    Physical signs of gambling addiction Physical signs of gambling addiction are represented by disorders of the eyes (impaired vision, display syndrome, dry eye syndrome), the musculoskeletal system (curvature of the spine, posture disorders), the digestive system (malnutrition, chronic constipation, hemorrhoids) . The physical signs of computer addiction are less specific and are usually caused by prolonged use of the computer. Some of these symptoms may also occur in people who do not suffer from computer addiction at all, but who are forced to spend a long time at the computer.

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    A prerequisite for successful treatment of computer addiction is the awareness of the problem and the desire to be treated by a person suffering from computer addiction. At the same time, computer addiction is most often recognized by friends, relatives, acquaintances surrounding the subject, but by no means himself. An addicted person should be taken to a doctor as friends and relatives cannot cope with this problem, but at the same time, during treatment, close people should support the patient.

    Gambling is an addiction to gambling. A type of addiction in which escape from reality and a change in state is achieved by excitement during gambling. Gambling addiction (ludomania), according to the experience of worldwide observations, is one of the most stubborn and cruel passions, completely similar to drug addiction. The geniuses of Russian literature, Pushkin and Dostoevsky, were also prone to gambling addiction. Predilection N.A. Nekrasov's love for cards was reflected in his testament to his friends that during this "last journey" they should play cards on his coffin. Game addictions belong to the group of non-chemical, informational, socio-psychological addictions. Conditional drugs here are gaming activity, gambling. There are many varieties of games, however, the most common among us are “one-armed bandit”, a card game of poker in a casino, various scams, computer games (according to world statistics, every tenth person who deals with a computer becomes addicted), electronic roulette, the Internet .

    0) Lack of gambling addiction (“social” player). At this stage, the game is conditioned by cognitive interest and is used for entertainment, distraction, relaxation, rest, disconnection from problems (family, personal, potential) 0) Lack of gambling addiction (“social” player). At this stage, the game is conditioned by cognitive interest and is used for entertainment, distraction, relaxation, recreation, disconnection from problems (family, personal, potential) 1) Weak, initial. The struggle of motives is insignificant, the strong-willed refusal to play prevails with a weak desire to play. Does not lose all the money available at the beginning of the game. Short game sessions. The stakes are small but rising. Minor wins and losses. 2) Average. The struggle of motives "to play - not to play", it is quite pronounced. As a rule, it is less often possible not to start the game if you want to play (i.e., you cannot forbid yourself to play by an effort of will); excitement is poorly controlled; "lucky" less often; losses gradually have more and more subjective significance than wins, stimulating the continuation of the game; the amounts of current, intermediate losses and gains grow, as well as the final loss; the gaming session is lengthening, approaches to the halls and casinos become more frequent. The player gains experience by becoming addicted, builds his own game systems, the gameplay is increasingly overgrown with rituals, superstitions, shows game fantasy (fantasy about the game outside of it, when there is no way to play): for example, he sees his favorite, happy combinations of numbers in a dream or images, everywhere notices them in reality (in car numbers, etc.).

    The work can be used for lessons and reports on the subject of "life safety"

    Presentations on life safety reveal all the topics of this subject. OBZH (Fundamentals of Life Safety) is a subject that studies various types of dangers that threaten a person, the patterns of manifestations of these dangers and ways to prevent them. You can download a presentation on life safety both for self-study and for preparation for the lesson. They can not only help you get a good grade in class, but also teach you to make your own decisions. Ready-made presentations on life safety will help to really interest students, thanks to their unobtrusive design and easy, perfectly memorable form of presentation of the information contained in them. Our presentations will help you and your students realize that life safety is a really important subject. In this section of the site you will find the most popular and high-quality presentations on life safety.

    slide presentation

    Slide text: Gambling addiction Completed by:

    Slide text: Diana Korneeva

    Slide text: Olga Myakotnikova

    Slide text: What is gambling addiction? Against the background of dysfunctional children, computer gamers look quite innocent: they do not disappear on the street, they behave quietly and calmly, very rarely disappear from the field of view of their parents. Then what is the problem? And the fact that games are gradually crowding out all other activities: first, the child stops walking, then his live communication with friends and peers is reduced to nothing - there are only chats, network games and chimes for the joint passage of game levels. Nothing to say about education. I go into the tenth grade during the lesson - the teacher explains the material in almost complete silence. Only a strange rustling and separate exclamations are heard that are clearly not related to the topic: every second person under the desk has portable game consoles. What kind of physics is here!

    Slide text: Computer addiction => Gaming addiction The term "computer addiction" defines a person's pathological predilection for working or spending time at the computer. For the first time, American scientists started talking about computer addiction in the early 80s. In our time, the term "computer addiction" is still not recognized by many scientists involved in the problems of mental disorders, but the very phenomenon of the formation of a pathological connection between a person and a computer has become obvious and is gaining more and more scope.

    Slide text: In addition to computer addiction, there are some related types of addictions: Internet addiction and gambling, which, one way or another, are associated with spending a long time at the computer. The characteristic features of addictions of various types are: withdrawal syndrome, the desire to get an object of addiction, behavior aimed at acquiring an object of addiction, a decrease in a critical attitude towards the negative aspects of addiction, a loss of interest in relation to the social side of life, appearance, satisfaction of other needs.

    Slide text: Stages of development of addiction There are 4 stages of development of psychological dependence on computer games: 1. The stage of mild enthusiasm. At this stage, a person enjoys playing a computer game, which is accompanied by positive emotions.

    Slide text: 2. Stage of passion. Playing computer games at this stage takes on a systematic character.

    Slide text: 3. Dependency stage. This stage is characterized not only by a shift in the need to play to the lower level of the pyramid of needs, but also by other, no less serious changes - in the value-sense sphere of the personality.

    Slide #10

    Slide text: 4. Attachment stage. This stage is characterized by the extinction of a person's gaming activity, a shift in the psychological content of the personality as a whole towards the norm. The relationship between a person and a computer at this stage can be compared to a loose but firmly sewn button. Those. a person “keeps a distance” from the computer, but cannot completely break away from the psychological attachment to computer games. This is the longest of all stages - it can last a lifetime, depending on how fast the attachment fades.

    Slide #11

    Slide text: All for the computer! If junior and middle school students sit out their pants to the detriment of active actions, then with teenagers and young people everything is much more complicated. They lose motivation for any other activity (including communication with the opposite sex, going to college and work), except for computer games. This is where parents begin to sound the alarm: instead of preparing for admission to a university, a child beats orcs around the clock. Even parting with a loved one is not able to return to reality: your son may simply not notice that his girlfriend has not called or come for two weeks. One eighteen-year-old boy once told me: while playing, time flies so imperceptibly that you can sit down for half an hour and get up the next day. Quite similar to what casino visitors say, isn't it?

    Slide #12

    Slide text: Return to life - Volodenka, take a walk in the yard. What a glorious, sunny day, - suggested my mother. “Tomorrow we’ll go fishing, I promised you a long time ago,” dad’s voice rang out. Volodya sat at the computer and was silent, there was no time to answer. An army of aliens has invaded Earth. Flying saucers circled in the air. Volodya was given a new powerful weapon! - What are you, grandson, stuck to the computer? You don't go outside for the third day. Turn off your box, let's go to the market. Help me, - the voice of the grandmother was heard. “Bah, leave me alone,” the boy begged. “My land is dying. Aliens have invaded the city.

    Slide #13

    Slide text: “I’ll turn off the electricity now and remove all your enemies right away,” the grandmother got angry. "What to do? If grandma turns off the electricity, I won't be able to finish the game. Help, you are the smartest, ”Volodya begged the computer. It seemed to the boy that the computer understood him. The picture of the street got closer. An alien appeared around the corner. He knocked the weapon out of the boy's hands with his horns, and fired a poisonous jet at him. Volodya seemed to have fallen through a wall. Volodya remembered the subsequent events with difficulty. He ran, shot, saved someone.

    Slide #14

    Slide text: A boy woke up near an ancient fortress. Volodya was terribly tired and lay down on the grass near the stone wall. “Strange, there are no smells,” thought Volodya. The boy remembered how sweet the flowers smelled. - You can't lie down. It's not in the rules of the game," came the metallic voice of the computer. “But I want to lie down on the grass,” Volodya objected. - Although it is not interesting to lie on your grass. She's artificial. No beetles, ants, different flowers. Nothing to even look at. “You don’t need to look at the grass,” the metallic voice objected. - Create your army, fight ...

    Slide #15

    Slide text: - I don't want to fight anymore. If you only knew how nice it is to splash in the water in the summer. “I don’t understand,” the computer interrupted the boy, “everything deteriorates from water.” - It's good to look at the fire. The flame plays, sparkles, the boy remembered. “I don’t understand, where is the flame?” ' said a metallic voice. “I'm just dreaming,” Volodya explained. - I dream of going fishing. - You have to fight ..., - the computer's voice trembled and asked: - Tell me about fishing. “I haven't been fishing in years. Everyone played with you. – This cannot be. You were gone a hundred years ago, and I'm only two years old, - the computer objected, but the boy only waved his hand in response. The voice fell silent. Pictures began to appear before Volodya's eyes, one more interesting than the other: tombs with treasures, underwater kingdoms, space stations. The boy closed his eyes and began to remember the smell of his mother's perfume.

    Slide #16

    Slide text: Suddenly everything started spinning, and Volodya saw above him the frightened faces of mom, dad and an unfamiliar woman in a white coat. “Thank you, Doctor, for bringing him back to his senses,” Mom said worriedly. “Don’t worry, the fainting has passed,” the doctor replied. - Let him stay at home. Volodya jumped up in fright: “No, I don’t want to stay at home, dad promised that we would go fishing tomorrow.” “But you are too weak,” the doctor tried to protest. “You can’t break a man’s word,” dad winked at his son.

    Slide #17

    Slide text: Physical signs of gambling addiction Physical signs of gambling addiction are represented by disorders of the eyes (impaired vision, display syndrome, dry eye syndrome), the musculoskeletal system (curvature of the spine, posture disorders), the digestive system (malnutrition, chronic constipation , haemorrhoids). The physical signs of computer addiction are less specific and are usually caused by prolonged use of the computer. Some of these symptoms may also occur in people who do not suffer from computer addiction at all, but who are forced to spend a long time at the computer.

    Slide #18

    Slide text: Treatment A prerequisite for successful treatment of computer addiction is the awareness of the problem and the desire to be treated on the part of a person suffering from computer addiction. At the same time, computer addiction is most often realized by friends, relatives, acquaintances surrounding the subject, but by no means himself. An addicted person should be taken to a doctor as friends and relatives cannot cope with this problem, but at the same time, during treatment, close people should support the patient.

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