Valeology games in the senior group. "Me and my health"

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Ruzhena Grigorieva

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 2 of a compensating type for children with speech impairment»

city ​​of Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic

on valeological education

children of graduation groups.

Prepared by the teacher

Grigorieva Ruzhena Yurievna


Suggested didactic games aimed at consolidating knowledge children about the structure and functions of some organs of your body and the impact on the work of these organs of various forms of behavior

Didactic game "Yes or no".

Region: "Health", "Knowledge".

Target: Consolidate knowledge children

Rules and move games:

If what the adult says is true, the children clap their hands; if not, they stomp their feet.

1. The heart is on the right side of the chest (No)

2. The heart contracts and unclenches all the time (Yes)

3. When we sleep, the heart stops. (No)

4. Crayfish and sea worms have blue blood. (Yes)

5. Kings and princesses also have blue blood. (No)

6. Heart empty like a ball (No)

7. Exercise strengthens our heart. (Yes)

Didactic game"Help the Shorties"

Region: "Health", "Knowledge".

Target: to consolidate knowledge about the negative impact on health of effeminacy, overexertion and overeating.

Rules and move games: the teacher informs the children that he received a letter from the short men asking them to help them figure out who is right.

Didactic game"Help the Shorties"

Hello guys! I send you greetings from all my shorty friends. My name is Donut. Lately, I've been feeling really bad. So that my heart does not get tired, I either sit or lie down or sleep all day. I am even afraid to jump, run and work. To make my heart strong, I eat a lot of tasty and sweet things.

And I'm Dunno, smart shorty. I also want my heart to be strong. To do this, I decided to run, jump, swim and somersault from morning to evening. And Znayka says that I'm doing it wrong. And I don't listen to him. Which one of us do you think is right? Donut? Znayka? Or am I a stranger?

D \ game "Little men

Region: "Health", "Knowledge".

Target: Consolidate knowledge children about the structure and basic functions of the kidney.

Rules and move games:

We will now turn into little men of blood. (The teacher distributes red and blue circles to the children). Those who have red circles will be the necessary substances, and those who have blue circles will be unnecessary substances. The teacher offers two children to hold hands and make collars. Children with red and blue circles join hands and walk one after another. They come to the gate, i.e. to "kidneys".Gate skip children with blue circles (i.e. unnecessary blood substances, and children with red circles (i.e. the right substances) leave. The remaining children stand next to "kidneys".

Didactic game"What? Where?

Region: "Health", "Knowledge".

Target: to form generalized ideas about the internal organs, to learn to find it to name the location.

Rules and move games: the teacher shows dummies of organs and offers to find its place on the model of a person, then name where it is located.

The heart is located (on the left side of the chest)

The stomach is (in the middle part of the body)

The liver is (under the lungs, to the right of the stomach)

The lungs are (inside chest)

Didactic game"Is it true or not"

Region: "Health", “Knowledge.

Target: consolidate knowledge children about the structure of your body, about the internal organs and their functions.

Rules and move games: the teacher distributes red and green circles to each child and explains the rules games:

If what is being said is true, show the green circle, and if not true, show the red circle.

Is it true that the liver produces blood cells that fight harmful microbes? (Yes)

Is it true that the brain is inside the chest? (No)

Is it true that in order to have a strong heart, you need to sleep all day? (No)

It's true that if you don't wash your hands before eating, your liver can get sick. (Yes)

Is it true that the heart pumps blood around the body? (Yes)

It is true that the heart is located on the right side of the chest. (No)

Is it true that if you chew food badly, your stomach can get sick?

Is it true that in order for the heart to be strong, you need to do physical education from morning to evening? (No)

It is true that the stomach secretes juice and digests food. (Yes)

D\game "Questions of the Dunno"

Region: "Health", "Knowledge".

Target: forming y children

Rules and move games: Dunno asks children questions, children answer.

Why do you need to exercise?

Why is it necessary to ventilate the room?

Why can't you eat a lot before bed?

Why can't you exercise too much?

Why is it useful to walk in the forest or in the park?

Why can't you smoke?

Why can't you eat foods you don't know?

Why should you wash your hands before eating?

D\game "Finish the offer"

Region: "Health", "Knowledge".

Target: forming y children culture healthy lifestyle life.

Rules and move games: the teacher starts the sentence, the children continue

In order for the heart to be healthy, it is necessary ... it is impossible ...

Do physical education

Going to bed on time

Try not to get too tired from games

In order for the brain to work well, it is necessary, it is impossible ...

To eat well

get enough sleep

Can't worry too much

You can't quarrel and shout.

In order not to get sick with the liver, it is necessary, it is impossible ...

Wash hands with soap before eating

Eat fruits and vegetables

You can not eat unfamiliar foods, pills, drinks

For the lungs to be healthy, you must ... you can’t ...

Breathe fresh air in the forest, in the park, outside the city

Try not to get cold

ventilate the room

Can't smoke when you grow up

So that the stomach does not hurt, it is necessary ... it is impossible ...

Eat fruits and vegetables washed

Chew food well

Eat according to the schedule

You can't eat too much at night

You can not eat too much sweet, starchy and fried.

Serebryakova Natalia Yurievna
Didactic games in valeology for older preschoolers

Didactic games in valeology for older preschoolers.

We see, we hear, we feel.


consolidate ideas about the senses;

to exercise children in the ability to analyze their feelings and express them verbally;

reinforce the words see, hear, feel.

Equipment: pictures depicting the senses (ear, nose, hand, jars with odorous products and substances (garlic, lemon, apple, perfume, gasoline, etc.), objects with different surfaces (smooth, rough, fleecy, cold, wet, a bell, a tambourine, a sheet of paper, an audio cassette with recordings of theatrical noises, subject and plot pictures.

The teacher offers to remember which organs help a person to see, hear, feel objects, and exercise their organs feelings: correlate sounds, pictures, smells, sensations with images of the senses. For example, the teacher turns on an audio recording of the noise of rain or a storm at sea, the child names the sound, shows a picture of the ear and says that he hears this sound with his ears.

Healthy foods


consolidate knowledge about which foods are useful and which are harmful to the body;

to bring to the understanding that not everything tasty is useful.

Equipment: subject pictures depicting products (cake, various fruits and vegetables, smoked sausage, sweets, soda, porridge, milk, jam, etc.).

Children are invited to decompose subject pictures into three table: useful, not very useful, harmful products.

Tooth Sky-ka

Target: to consolidate knowledge about the need to take care of dental health.

Equipment: cards with the image of healthy and diseased teeth, food.

Option 1. The teacher distributes food cards to the children, shows a picture of a sick tooth, offers to raise cards with pictures of foods that are harmful to dental health, and explain his choice. The same is with the image of a healthy tooth.

Option 2. Children are given small cards with the image of healthy and diseased teeth. The teacher shows a picture of the product and offers to raise the corresponding picture.

Option 3. Children are invited to attach pictures of food, healthy or unhealthy teeth to the corresponding pictures of teeth.

Toddlers are tough

Target: to consolidate knowledge about a healthy lifestyle, understanding that physical education, hardening, proper nutrition and adherence to the regimen contribute to good physical development.

Equipment: pictures of charging, walking, visiting the dentist, playing sports, etc.

Option 1. The driver shows pictures, the children describe them and explain how this or that situation is useful for health.

Option 2. Children are given pictures depicting regime processes. Children lay them out in the appropriate sequence, explaining their choice and suggesting changes and additions that can be made to the daily routine.

Who knows more about himself

Target: consolidate knowledge about your body and the functions of its organs.

Option 1. The teacher asks questions: what your hands, feet, etc., can do, children demonstrate.

Option 2. The same, but verbally.

Askorbinka and her friends

Target: to concretize knowledge about the main vitamins and the products in which they are contained.

Equipment: subject pictures with a stylized image of vitamins and products in which they are contained: A - tomato, sea buckthorn, carrot, pumpkin; B - oats, buckwheat, millet, potatoes; C - lemon, cabbage, rosehip, orange, black currant; E - tomato, sweet pepper, vegetable oil, potatoes.

The teacher gives the children pictures of products, shows pictures with the designation of each vitamin, clarifies their names, offers to pick up pictures of products that contain each specific vitamin, and name them.

Where we were, we will not say, but what we did, we will show

Target: fix the names of sports and the corresponding actions of athletes, develop coordination of movements.

The driver leaves the room, the children agree among themselves which athletes will imitate the movements. The driver, entering the room, He speaks: "Where were you, what were you doing?". Children answer: “Where we were, we will not say, but what we did, we will show” and perform movements. If the driver guesses the sport, the player becomes the driver.

Guess the taste


consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhis body;

contribute to the formation of knowledge about the role of taste sensations for humans.

Equipment: Pieces of various fruits and vegetables that can be eaten raw.

The teacher invites the child to close his eyes and puts in his mouth a piece of fruit or vegetable strung on a skewer. The child guesses the name and says in what form this product is used: raw or boiled and what can be prepared from it.

Aleksashina Irina Vadimovna,


MADOU kindergarten №162 of the city of Tyumen

Consultation for educators

"Corner of valeology in the educational space of the group"

AT last years one of the leading ideas was the valueologization of education, according to which children's health is considered as a priority value, goal, necessary condition and result of a successful pedagogical process.

The health of children in the process of their development can not only be preserved or increased, but in a certain way be built and rebuilt. Therefore, in valeology, the most urgent task is the development in children of a conscious need for health and the development of practical skills for leading a healthy lifestyle. In this regard, the problem of the formation of the valeological culture of preschoolers becomes relevant.

In recent years, the level of health of children began to decline significantly. The number of children with congenital pathologies, with physical disabilities, the growth of colds and infectious diseases has increased. Such deterioration in health occurs for a number of reasons: a decline in the moral foundations of the family (divorces, alcoholism, drug addiction, murders, etc.); decrease in social well-being (low-income families, incomplete families, unemployment, problems with housing, etc.); bad ecology (pollution of soil, water, air, destruction of the green belt, testing of various types of weapons for military and peaceful purposes, etc.).

Giving children knowledge about health, a healthy lifestyle, protecting them from emotional or physical overstrain, as well as building a network of valeology classes with high quality, you can achieve a desire in children to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Raising a healthy and full-fledged person is the most important task of society. Valeology is the science of health. Well-designed lessons in valeology in kindergarten will help the child to maintain their health in the future, not to get into dangerous situations. Children in the lessons of valeology expand their ideas about their body, about health, about situations dangerous to health and life, acquire the skills of personal hygiene, verbal communication, leisure culture. The child learns to treat others as himself.

Activities carried out in kindergarten to improve the health of children:

  1. Compliance with personal hygiene.
  2. Balanced diet.
  3. Hardening procedures: air and sun baths, bare walking, salt and massage path, contrast foot baths, compliance with temperature and water conditions, airing the premises, walking, breathing exercises, acupressure.
  4. Compliance with the daily routine.
  5. Vitaminization (vitamin C, drinks from herbs and berries).
  6. Prevention of colds
  7. Purification of air from dust and microorganisms by the Chizhevsky chandelier.
  8. Creation of conditions for physical activity.
  9. Morning exercises, physical education classes.
  10. The perfect combination of work and leisure.

Factors that ensure the preservation and strengthening of children:

Compliance with the daily routine;

Rational nutrition and diet;

Stay in the air;


Physical activity;

Compliance with sanitary and hygienic norms and rules.

Psychological safety of children in preschool

Tasks of valeological education:

  1. Formation of a conscious attitude to health as a leading value and motivation for a healthy lifestyle.
  2. Accumulation of knowledge about health.
  3. The formation of the child's valeological competence as a readiness to independently solve the problems of a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior in unforeseen situations and the provision of elementary medical and psychological assistance.

The tasks of valeological education should be addressed in all types of children's activities: play, labor, etc.

We solve all these problems using the following methods:


  • verbal (conversations, reading, talking about a healthy lifestyle),
  • visual (examination of illustrations, paintings, posters),
  • - practical (watching animated films about healthy lifestyles;

exercises and games that develop the child's self-image, etc.)

Forms of organization of children:

  • excursions;
  • observations;
  • didactic games;
  • reading fiction;
  • role-playing games;
  • the simplest experiments;
  • self-observation;
  • individual health care.
  • hardening,
  • Physical Culture,
  • relaxation,
  • physical education minutes,
  • rational and nutritious nutrition,
  • personal hygiene,
  • use of folk remedies
  • active work,
  • rational rest,
  • walks in the open air.

It is impossible to develop a child without creating the appropriate conditions for this. Therefore, one of the important stages in educating the basics of a healthy lifestyle in children is the creation of an object-spatial environment in a group. First of all, children need visibility, which is offered to them through the organization of valeological zones, corners or centers.

Tasks of the valeological corner:

Preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of children;

Form a conscious attitude towards your health;

To acquaint children with the structure of the human body;

To form skills and observe the rules of personal hygiene;

Form a harmonious personality.

Three components of the valeological corner:


hygiene skills

Physical culture (sport)

So, the first component is nutrition:

During the meal, an artistic word is used: poems, nursery rhymes, proverbs. Approximate proverbs used during meals:

Good nutrition is the foundation of health.

Food is the basis of life.

Eating wisely means living long.

I present some didactic and outdoor games to nurture a culture of food

Target: Instilling a culture of food.

- "Helpful - harmful"

- "Together - separately"

- "Wonderful bag"

- "What can be prepared from these products?"

- "What, where does it grow?"

- "Let's harvest"

- "Magic Pot"

- "Vitamin alphabet"

- "Ascorbinka and her friends", etc.

Games for children from 3 to 7 years old

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about useful and harmful products.

Children 3-4 years old are given cards with the image of food (up to 4-5 items). They must lay them out on a panel, divided into 2 parts. In the first part - green, useful products are laid out, in the other - red, harmful products are laid out. The game is played after the conversation.

Children 4 years old are given pictures depicting 5-8 food items. Pictures hang on a string around the neck. Children move around the site (run, walk, jump), stop at the “stop” signal and are distributed to that part of the site that matches the picture (useful green cord, harmful - red cord)

Children 5-7 years old perform the same tasks, but line up in columns in accordance with the color of the flag: green - useful products, red - harmful.

The second component of the valeological corner is hygienic skills.

A diagram of how to properly brush your teeth.

Table on how to properly wash your hands.

Didactic games: “Wash the doll”, “Pick up pictures”, “Hygiene rules”, “Let's make different hairstyles for dolls”, “Tanya caught a cold”, etc.

Role-playing games: "Polyclinic", "Ambulance", "Hospital", etc.

There is also a “Clean Chest”, it contains: a toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, shampoo, soap (liquid, lump), handkerchiefs (paper, cloth, wet wipes), cotton pads, cotton swabs.

The third component of the corner is physical culture

Didactic games "Sport", "Team of Champions", etc.

Card indexes of games (mobile, finger).

Physical education minutes.

Card files: morning exercises, exercises after sleep, visual exercises, breathing exercises.

Folder "Body structure"

Self-massage (health paths, massage mittens).

Massage (balls - hedgehogs).

In the corner, visual information about sports is presented: plot pictures in accordance with the age of the children. Sports and gaming equipment is also located here: a basket for throwing objects, multi-colored ribbons, simple and massage balls, a set of multi-colored skittles and balls, jump ropes, flags, handkerchiefs. Children with great interest and desire use this equipment in their free time.

To organize outdoor games, masks, half masks and hats of various fairy-tale characters are placed in the corner.

It is equipped with various types of massage mats, massage mitt, health disc, spiked foot and arm, spiked rug, do-it-yourself rugs: buttons, pencil and curler rug - kids like to walk on them + foot massage, and development of coordination of movements.

To develop breathing and increase lung volume, sultans and turntables, soap bubbles, Balloons, handmade games: "Hurricane in a bottle", "Clouds, sunshine".

Appeared in preschool age posture disorders can further lead to the formation of persistent deformities of the skeletal system. To avoid this, preventive measures should be taken to promote the proper development of the body. During the whole day of the children's stay in kindergarten, it is necessary to ensure that they sit correctly during meals, classes, rest. Moreover, in order to form a beautiful and healthy body, we not only show, but also tell how to sit correctly. The Correct Posture poster can help with this.

Also in the valeological corner there is information on dental care: algorithms for brushing teeth, healthy food for teeth, didactic games, for example, “Tooth is not sore”.

- "Valeology"

Puzzle games

Thematic dictionaries:

hygiene and health,

Me and my security

Me and my body.

Didactic cards:

ABC of health

How a person works.

Card files of valeological games.

Children are also offered morning gymnastics complexes, sports exercises for practicing at home, in kindergarten. Attributes for games are presented in the center, in which the child can fix the rules of hygiene, interaction with peers in problematic and everyday situations.

Excursions to the medical office are organized.

Conversations are held with children about the need to observe the daily routine, about the importance of motor culture, about health and means of strengthening it, about the functioning of the body and the rules for caring for it, children acquire the skills of culture and a healthy lifestyle, knowledge of the rules of safe behavior and reasonable actions in unforeseen situations .

The best valeological program will not be able to give positive results if its tasks are not solved together with the family, if the community "children - parents - teachers" is not created in the preschool educational institution.


  • Establishment of confidential and business contact with parents;
  • Improving the pedagogical culture of parents;
  • Healthy lifestyle promotion;
  • Study, implementation, dissemination of best practices in family education.

Forms of work with parents:

  1. General parent meetings;
  2. Open days with the opportunity to view classes, get acquainted with the organization of food, various forms of physical culture and health work;
  3. Helpline;
  4. Carrying out joint events: - sports olympiads, sports leisure activities, holidays, days of health; - entertainment evenings; - birthday days; - vitamin and tea tables;
  5. Creation of a library for parents in the methodologist's office;
  6. Conducting consultations with a doctor, psychologist, speech therapist, physical education instructor;
  7. Organization of exhibitions "Clothing and health of children", "The world through the eyes of children", etc.

The effectiveness of work on an integrated approach in the organization of a healthy lifestyle for a child can be determined by the following indicators:

  1. Decrease in morbidity.
  2. Increasing the level of physical and mental health.
  3. Increasing the physical activity of children.
  4. Dynamics of indicators of physical readiness of preschool children.
  5. Conscious attitude of children to their own health and the use of available ways to strengthen it.
  6. General readiness for schooling.
  7. Cooperation of preschool educational institutions with parents in the organization of a healthy lifestyle.

Thus, all educational and recreational activities allow you to develop an attitude towards your body, instill the necessary sanitary and hygienic skills, and best adapt the child to constantly changing environmental conditions. Such adaptability is manifested in resistance to extreme conditions, the immunity of the child's body to various pathogenic factors - in a word, it teaches to lead a healthy lifestyle from childhood.

I would like to finish the consultation with the words of Dr. Komarovsky: "Only a healthy child can be happy."


  1. Valeology. Abstracts of complex lessons in kindergarten (from 3 to 7 years). N. O. Sizova.: St. Petersburg: Paritet, 2008.
  2. Wellness games. Junior group./ aut. - comp. S. E Golomidova. - Volgograd: ITD "Coripheus", 2005.
  3. Wellness classes for children 6-7 years old. Kartushina M. Yu. - M .: TC Sphere, 2010.
  4. The child cognizes the world (game lessons on the formation of self-image for younger preschoolers) / ed. - comp. T. V. Smirnova. - Volgograd: teacher, 2011.
  5. Formation of a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers: planning, system of work / ed. - comp. T. G. Karepova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.

We invite teachers of preschool education in the Tyumen region, YaNAO and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, author's programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including video), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Card file of valeological games.

Cycle of valeological games.

To keep your skin healthy.

Purpose: to form the skills of monitoring the implementation of personal hygiene rules.

Equipment: pictures marked with a red rim with incorrect

children's actions.

Children look at the pictures, find what is wrong. For the correct answer, the child receives a token. The one with the most chips wins.

Where does the vitamin live?

Purpose: to acquaint children with the types of vitamins and their sources.

Rules: you need to choose a picture and name which vitamins are in this fruit or vegetable.

Game progress:

Children are divided into two teams. The player of the first team shows the vitamin, and the players of the other team show pictures of vegetables and fruits that contain it. Then vice versa. This game can be played as part of a cognitive development session.

"Let's recharge"

Purpose: to teach children how to use a diagram-diagram.

We all say no to colds.

We are friendly with the charger.

We will do exercises

We are not afraid of illness.

Guys, we will do exercises according to these diagrams.

(In accordance with the diagram shown, the children perform the exercise)

What does the heart love?

Purpose: to instill the habit of a healthy lifestyle, broaden the horizons of children on the prevention of heart disease.

Rules: you need to name the type of product or activity that is good for the heart.

Game progress:

The children are asked to name the types of foods and activities that are good for the heart. Each word that is spoken is a part of the heart. Gradually, as children name words, a whole heart is obtained. The number of players is 8-10 people.

"Rules of Hygiene"

Purpose: to expand children's ideas about the rules of personal hygiene.

Game progress:

With the help of a rhyme, a leader is selected, he leaves the group. The teacher agrees with the children who and what will depict. Then the driver is invited, the children take turns showing hygiene skills using gestures and facial expressions. The host must guess what the children are showing: washing, brushing their teeth, wiping, combing, bathing.

How to take care of your teeth.

Purpose: to tell what is useful, what is harmful to the teeth.

Equipment: two flat teeth - healthy and diseased; subject

pictures with food.

On the playing field there are pictures of useful and harmful teeth

food. The children take turns placing the picture of the patient or

a healthy tooth next to a picture of food,

explain their choice.

Morning begins.

Purpose: to accustom children to the implementation of the daily regimen, to consolidate the types of activities carried out at different times of the day.

Rules: you need to name the activities carried out in the morning, afternoon, evening, night.

Game progress:

Children are invited to choose a picture of the time of day and name the corresponding activities that need to be carried out at this time of day, and arrange the cards in the order in which they should be performed.


Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge and practical skills in providing first aid

Equipment: pictures of medical supplies

(thermometer, bandage, brilliant green).

The teacher plays with the children the situation when a person cuts his arm, leg, broke his knee, elbow, his temperature rose, his throat hurt, a mote got into his eye, and his nose bled. For each situation, work out a sequence of actions.

Health clock.

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about harmful and healthy foods and activities.

Rules: you need to scroll the arrows on the “health clock” and determine the usefulness or harmfulness of the image.

Game progress:

Children are invited to take turns scrolling the arrows on the “health clock”, while when the teacher says stop, the player stops the arrow, examines the image it is directed at and talks about the usefulness or harmfulness of what is in the picture.

Health tree.

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about harmful and healthy foods.

Rules: you need to distribute the pictures on the leaves according to the corresponding trees.

Game progress:

Children are divided into teams, choosing for themselves a “health tree” or “unhealth tree”. Light music is on. While the music is playing, the children hang the leaflets with pictures on the corresponding trees. When the music stops, the teacher sums up the task.

Health with indoor plants.

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about indoor plants, their names and useful properties.

Rules: you need to choose pictures of indoor plants from a number of pictures, name them and list useful properties.

Game progress:

Children are invited to take turns choosing the upside down pictures. After examining the image in the picture, the child must name the houseplant and list its useful properties. After completing the task, the child receives a chip. The one with the most chips wins.

Be healthy!

Purpose: to form the habit of a healthy lifestyle, to consolidate knowledge about useful products and activities.

Rules: you need to choose one by one the pictures with the image of the food product and the type of activity and correlate them with each other.

Game progress:

The teacher suggests choosing, for example, a picture depicting carrots and an athlete and comparing them with each other: an athlete chooses healthy vegetables for nutrition, etc.

Didactic games for preschoolers.

Perhaps the problem of maintaining health among preschoolers is one of the most problematic when adults do not address it enough. And the upbringing of a caring attitude to one's health in children can be carried out using a method that children really like - this is a game. So, I present to your attention interesting didactic games for preschoolers for use both in kindergarten and at home.

1. Drawing up a model "How to protect yourself from a cold" and "How to behave during an illness"

Purpose: To consolidate knowledge about disease prevention

Material: Large cards - 2 pcs. with the image of a sick child; a set of small cards with preventive measures and a set of cards with activities aimed at a quick recovery.

Game progress: Before the child lie 2 big cards with the image of a sick and healthy child. The task of the child is to make a model of behavior during illness; selecting the desired set of cards and put them to the card with the sick child. And also to draw up a model of preventive actions against a cold in the same way, choosing the necessary ones from the available cards and putting them to a healthy child.

2. The story on the mnemonic table "If you want to be healthy"

Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge about the various factors that contribute to the preservation and promotion of health.

Material: Mnemotable "If you want to be healthy"

Game progress: There is a mnemonic table “If you want to be healthy” on the table. The teacher asks to tell according to the mnemonic table about what needs to be done to be healthy. The task of the child without errors is to correctly tell about the factors that contribute to health promotion, according to the mnemonic table.

3. Didactic game "To be healthy, I will ..."

Purpose: To consolidate the knowledge of children about leading a healthy lifestyle.

Material: Narrative pictures depicting various positive situations (walking barefoot, sunbathing, sledding, dousing, etc.) and a set of pictures with negative situations.

Game progress: The teacher says: “To be healthy, you will ...” The child’s task is to complete the first part of the teacher’s sentence and select the appropriate positive plot picture.

4. State of the Health-Promoting Factors Model

Objective: To consolidate children's knowledge of the factors that help promote health

Material: Large sheet with a picture of a person in the center. Colored pencils.

Game progress: In front of the child lies a large sheet with an image in the center of a person. The task of the child is to draw around the person everything that helps to improve human health (vitamins, sports, etc.)

5. "Useful - harmful"

Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge about the benefits and harms of certain products

Material: Large cards with the image of a cheerful little man; a set of cards depicting products that are useful and harmful to human health.

Game progress: There are 2 large cards on the table with the faces of a cheerful and sad little man. The task of the child is to choose cards with products that are good for human health and put them on the card with a cheerful little man, and put cards with products that are harmful to human health on the card with a sad little man.

6. Didactic game on valeology "We are tempered"

Purpose: To consolidate knowledge about subjects that help us to temper.

Material: Cards with the image of items needed for hardening (inventory).

Game progress: Children take turns taking a card with the image of an object necessary for hardening. The task of the child is to tell about the purpose of the object and the benefits for hardening the body.

7. "Cook borscht"

Purpose: To give children an idea of ​​​​how to cook soup, to consolidate knowledge about vegetables and fruits.

Material: Sets of pictures depicting products needed for borscht.

Game progress: Children take turns choosing the appropriate subject pictures depicting products for making borscht.

8. "A lot - a little"

Purpose: To teach children to think about what and in what quantities can be consumed, not to the detriment of their health. To form the ability to classify foods: sour - sweet, bitter - salty, vegetables - fruits.

Material: Pictures depicting vegetables, fruits; question card:

Game progress: What happens if you eat a lot (picture)?

Eat a lot of apples - it's good ...

Eat a lot of apples - it's bad ..

Task: arrange vegetables and fruits, "Top-roots".

9. Didactic game on valeology "Vitamin summer"

Purpose: To consolidate knowledge about vitamins and their content in foods.

Material: Large cards (3 pieces) and 32 small cards with the image of vegetables and fruits.

Game progress: The teacher names vitamins on a large card, and the children choose subject pictures depicting products that contain this vitamin and put them in the corresponding vitamin.

10. Didactic game "Magic pan"

Purpose: To expand the idea of ​​​​the variety of dishes.

Material: Image of a pan and cards with the image of ready-made dishes and the products from which they were prepared.

Game progress: Each child is given a card with a picture of the finished dish. The task of the child is to select a subject picture with the necessary products for preparing this dish. Who completed the task puts their pictures to the magic pan. All together check the correctness of the execution.

11. Didactic game "Guess the sport"

Purpose: To consolidate the knowledge of children about different sports.

Material: Cards with attributes for each sport.

Game progress: The facilitator distributes cards to the children depicting various sports. The task of the child is to pick up cards with the appropriate attributes for this sport.

12. Didactic game "Athlete's Dress"

Purpose: To teach children the ability to select the appropriate equipment and equipment for athletes

Material: Card with the image of inventory and equipment of different athletes

Game progress: Children are given cards with the image of athletes from various sports. The task of the child is to select pictures with the appropriate equipment and equipment for this athlete.

13. Didactic game: "Useful and harmful food."

Purpose: To form children's knowledge about healthy and unhealthy food, to systematize children's ideas about the work of the digestive tract,

develop healthy principles of nutrition.

14. Didactic game: "My body"

Purpose: To form an idea of ​​​​the structure of the body and the muscular system,

to form the ability to move beautifully and accurately, to cultivate a conscious attitude to classes physical culture to your own health.

15. Didactic game: “Why did this happen? »

Purpose: To form the concept of first aid for solar, heat stroke, fainting, insect bites, bleeding, fractures, poisoning, to introduce artificial respiration techniques, its meaning and necessity.

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