Nut chess. Do-it-yourself chess from nuts, bolts and coins

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From improvised materials, you can make an exciting game for those who like to brainstorm. It's about chess. From all sorts of improvised trash in this master class, we will assemble a full-fledged chessboard and pieces for the game. With such chess, you can surprise many, and in case of loss of a piece, quickly restore it.


To make chess from improvised materials with your own hands, prepare:

  • 64 coins of the same diameter (half old and half new, or an equal number of silver and gold coins);
  • 52 nuts;
  • 14 washers;
  • 16 small bolts;
  • 12 medium size bolts;
  • 4 large bolts;
  • glue;
  • newspaper;
  • paint in a spray can of black color;
  • a piece of thin wood 15 x 15 cm.

Step 1. Prepare the collected coins. They will need to be washed and treated with any degreasing compound.

Step 2. Glue the coins one by one on the board. Lay them out in even rows and alternate, observing a checkerboard pattern. Upon completion, you should have a beautiful chessboard.

Step 3. Put half of the prepared washers, bolts and nuts on a newspaper or oilcloth and paint them with black paint. In this case, it is spray paints that are good, since they will not flow after being applied to the surface of bolts and nuts. Leave the parts until the surface is completely dry.

Step 4. From washers, nuts, hooks and bolts, assemble chess pieces. Small bolts are pawns. To play chess, you just need to turn them over, putting them on a hat.

Rook - These are medium-sized bolts with five nuts strung on them.

To make a horse, take a medium-sized bolt and fix a hook in its upper part between two nuts.

The elephant is a medium-sized bolt, in the upper part of which you need to fix three nuts, placing a washer between the first and second.

The world is tacitly divided into groups, classes, types and subspecies. "Nerds" proudly call themselves intellectuals, former losers - the working class. It is believed that a plumber must get drunk after work, and from the books on his shelf there is only a telephone directory. In fact, it turns out that academic performance in no way affects success in life. And a locksmith may well be a well-read person and play chess at his leisure. It was for this category of people that designers came up with chess made from metal nuts and bolts.

The intricately bent pieces mimic chess pieces, varying in shape, height and weight. Designers tried to approach the issue of creating metal parts as creatively as possible, carefully considering each figure. But the unusualness of the pieces makes itself felt - sometimes the first time you can not recognize the value of a chess unit and make the wrong move.

By the way, metal chess can be a great gift for a man. Especially if his work is somehow connected with metal parts, and he spends his leisure time at the chessboard. For those who are unlikely to enjoy playing with symbolic figures of bolts and nuts, we can offer a lot of designer chess, starting with an "edible" model and ending with a set with gold and silver figures in the form of knights.

Hi all! Sometimes a person wants to make an unusual and original gift. But nothing useful comes to mind, everything is somehow banal and uninteresting. However, there are people who love to create, be creative and their hands grow from the right place. I know several such people and this company periodically (usually for birthdays) produces original gifts. One of which I would like to present in this short post.

Bolt Chess

A person who is fond of chess was presented with a gift in the form of chess assembled from bolts, washers, nuts of various sizes. It turned out what you can see in the photos below.

Of course, at first the look and weight of chess will seem unusual, but over time you get used to it and get used to it.

Still in the box for chess were added piles and a flask with alcohol. It turned out such a set for a pleasant pastime. How is he to you? By the way, if anyone is interested in an original gift of this kind - I can agree: bita: - write to me in the comments or through the feedback form.

This company also made other original gifts. In the future, I plan to make a small series of articles on this topic. About original gifts created by our company.

And I've been thinking about how to make an internal linking of the blog. It turns out that the number of linked internal pages and anchors used affects the ranking of an article in search results and, accordingly, the amount of traffic that it brings. While there are relatively few articles on the blog (less than 100), it is worth doing this. And maybe it will bring more visitors to my blog, and maybe a filter. The first option looks more preferable to me. How exactly I will do this - I will describe in a separate article. Watch for announcements. I hope you enjoyed Bolt Chess. Bye.

Once, being away from the main roads, I felt that something was wrong with the car, but I did not understand it. I had to stop by the first small car service station I came across.

The master, and as it turned out later, he was also the owner of this station, at that time was having lunch from a "brake" stored up at home, at the same time solving some kind of chess problem. I also became interested in chess, but not so much in composition, but in the pieces placed on the board and lying next to each other. I saw these for the first time - they were very unusual: each figure was a certain combination assembled from standard steel bolts, screws, washers and nuts, and “in appearance” the figures from the fasteners were quite recognizable and different in color: dark and light . The chess “board” was also a match for them - a blued steel sheet with “white” cells neatly sanded with emery cloth and carefully scratched, as it should be on all sides, in Latin letters A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and Arabic numerals from 1 to 8. Only one discrepancy was striking: cell "1A" and other cells of this diagonal were light, while according to all the canons they should be black.

In order to prevent the pieces from sliding on the board and not peeling off the remaining blued cells, round pieces of insulating tape were glued to their soles.

After postponing lunch and listening to my remarks on the "behavior" of the machine, the master suggested that I complete the solution of the chess problem for him, while he himself began to troubleshoot.

I asked the master for permission to make sketches of "hardware" figures, since I did not have a camera with me.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t solve the problem from a running start and somehow lost interest in it, but the master with problems in the car “figured out” quickly - I barely had time to sketch out the drawings.

Then at home I assembled a set of “chess” pieces from fasteners and photographed them.

The reader will see some slight discrepancies between the depictions of the figures in the photographs and the drawings. They arose because I didn’t have exactly the same fasteners that the master had in stock when assembling them, for which I apologize to him and the readers. But I don't think it's a big deal. After all, the choice of parts is not so critical, if only the assembled combinations of bolts, screws, nuts and washers looked like familiar chess pieces. And if some of them turned out to be not quite similar to their “prototypes”, then when playing with them, imagination will help.

How to make a chess set using only nuts and bolts. Do you know what ladies love? A man who can handle his tools. What do ladies love even more? A person who can say checkmate. Well, except for this lady.

But what about those of us who don't have grandmaster status? We can use these tools that were so good for showing off our intelligence in a different way - like with this original DIY chess set made from nuts and bolts.

How cool is that? Even if you don't play chess, you'll want to start. Plus, it's relatively easy to make and set up.

The above clay tile chessboard and chess pieces with nuts and bolts. After a long trip, the DIY author collected a bunch of different bolts, nuts and screws to complete his masterpiece.
However, he is not the first to use nuts and bolts on pawns and queens. Julia Suits did what is pictured below, although the chessboard leaves a lot to be desired.

Julia was good enough to provide a breakdown of the pieces used for her pieces and pawns, as well as many photographs.

Breakdown of pawns and pieces

Now for any of you who really know anything about chess, you already know that pawns are called pawns and the rest of the army is called pieces. What for? I'm not sure, but this is the case.
Now onto the nuts and bolts.
If you don't mind equipment in the house, I would go for small packages of each kind. They can come in handy for regular home fixes or as spares. chess games. But it can get quite expensive.
Keep in mind that for this project you will need a brass color for one side and regular shiny silver (zinc) colors for the other side, so break everything in half and you'll be fine. This means it might be better to go it alone and skip a few packets. If you don't plan on drawing your white or black army then it doesn't matter.
If you already have most of them, good for you. You are one step ahead.

What you need

Here are the basics of what you need for each pawn or piece:

  • Pawn (16 pcs.)= ½” hex bolt (1 ½” high) + 1 flanged hex nut.
  • Rook (4 pcs.)= ½” threaded rod + 1 hex flange nut + 1 (½”) locknut
  • Knight (4 pcs.)= ½" hex bolt + 1 hex flange nut + 1 wing nut
  • Bishop (4 pcs.)= ½” threaded rod (3” high) + 1 cap nut + 1 flanged hex nut + 1 inverted (½ “) lock nut + 1 washer
  • King (2 pcs.)= ½" bottom bracket bolt (3 ½" high) + 1 flanged hex nut + 1 internal toothed washer + 1 long sleeve hex nut + 4 external toothed washer
  • Queen (2 pcs.)= 1½” threaded rod (4” high) + 1 flanged hex nut + 1 washer + 1 internal toothed washer + 1 long sleeve hex nut + 1 external toothed washer + 1 (½“) lock nut

Now, obviously, this is not how you should do it. Some of these components are quite expensive, so you can opt for cheaper hardware or hardware you already have. How many of you have internal toothed washers? Yes... so use regular washers.
The goal is to create a set that works and looks great, the exact parts are up to you. Being creative and choosing standard parts can save you money and time wasted in the store.

Chess board

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