How to change controls in god of war. Opening the Norn Chest

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

The Circle button (in the default control scheme) is used whenever Kratos needs to interact with the environment. Keep a circle when you approach a hole in the ground or a small obstacle to automatically jump or obstruct it. The button can also be pressed next to an obstacle for the same result.

When available, a Circle button appears next to a sliding surface. Press the left stick to the icon and press the button to climb, descend or cross terrain. You may need to look around a little to find the next foothold. An icon also appears on the ground when you can dismount.

Witch Compass

Leaving the witch's house for the first time adds the Witch's compass to your screen. The red marker on the compass indicates the direction and displays the distance in meters to the next destination.

Leviathan Ax

The Leviathan Ax is good for battle. By holding L2, you can aim the axe. Press R1 for a quick ax throw. Use R2 for a stronger throw that hits Frost, capable of freezing the opponent. Attack the frozen enemy for health so that he can break it. This is only possible for small enemies that are not Hel-Walkers wearing ice armor.

Look for scratches on wooden gates and planks, indicating that the object can be moved with an axe. This is often necessary to solve a puzzle or find hidden treasures. Throw an ax at hanging Hacksilver containers, Odin's Crows, and other puzzles such as those related to unlocking Nornir chests and gates. Found in many puzzles in the game, the wheel can be removed with an ax to freeze the contraption in place.

border guards

When you encounter a poisonous cloud, take a look around Corruption. Walking in the green cloud damages Kratos, but he can be removed by hitting the Leviathan field. This freezes the poison and stops it from erupting in the area. Remember the ax and the poison will start coming back. Make sure you are in a safe area before returning your weapon.

Explosive red jugs

Beware of the red cans that sit and hang around the environment. Hit one with fire or any attack and it explodes, dealing fire damage to anyone caught in the explosion. These jars are often found close to or hanging over rocks that can be blasted away.

Blast the jar from a safe distance and then move on to collect loot or go through a new opening. These explosives are also found next to the Border Guards, allowing you to completely remove Seiðr's magic.

Light arrows and crystals

During the Journey, Kratos and Atreus search the Serpent Temple in Alfheim for light. Found, it is applied to Atreus' bow. This allows you to use crystals of light and energy, as well as weaken enemies. Whenever you see a crystal in a torch holder, shoot it with one of Atreus' light arrows to light up the area. Do the same with the crystals on the big stands to activate light bridges or other mechanisms. Sometimes the crystal needs to be moved to another location, which Kratos is always happy to do. Place the crystal in the base before you hit with the arrow. Shooting a crystal that is already on fire causes an explosion of light, dealing significant stun damage.

Impact Arrows and Destructive Crystals

At the top of the mountain, Kratos and Atreus are represented by Shatter Crystals and soon after by Shock Arrows. The combination of crystal and electricity causes a big explosion. Rupture Crystals are found near red sap barriers or inside the roots of Yggdrasil trees. Take the Root Crystal Crystal and discard it on or near the red sap. Aim for the Breach Crystal and fire the Shock Arrow. This explodes the crystal, destroying any nearby roots. This method is used to remove barriers and solve puzzles.

Tamura Chisel

Kratos collects the pieces of Tamura's Chisel during the Journey. It is especially useful for father and son adventures, but it also opens magically closed doors throughout Midgard and Alfheim. Interact with the door to start a mini-game.

Use the left stick to move the chisel around the surface and find the anchor point; the controller rumbles and the flame grows when you are close to the point. Fine-tune the location until you see a bright white glow at the point of contact. Press R2 to hit and break the binding. While some doors open with one broken moment, others require more.

Cheb Bramble

Halfway through the Journey, Kratos is forced to dig his Blades of Chaos out of storage. The weapon has a wide attack range and burns susceptible enemies. He also burned down Cheb Bramble, which is found throughout Midgard and Helheim. Bramble tends to block you from loot, but it can also hold things. When you are on the ground, you must hit it three times to set it on fire and remove the substance. When destroying the Heb Bramble above, while aiming, you must hit the Brambles twice.

Winds of Hel

After defeating the Guardian of the Temple of Helheim, be on the lookout for the orb-shaped devices that light up the green devices you see in several places along the Journey. These are wind traps, for a special wind. The trap glows brightly when it holds the winds of Hel. Otherwise he sits waiting for the winds to be kept within.

Point the Blades of Chaos at the Winds of Hel and shoot to capture energy. Then, aim at an empty trap and hit it to transfer energy to a new location. The winds of Hel are unstable, so your blades can only hold green energy for 10 seconds before it automatically travels back to the wind trap you drew it from. The moment you capture the winds with your blade, a "Winds of Hel Energy" indicator will appear on the left side of the screen, counting down seconds from 10.0.

This energy is used to operate the doors around Midgard and Helheim, revealing valuable loot.

Sometimes it is necessary to transfer energy between several traps before reaching the final destination.

Whenever you don't know where to go, check out the cryptic yellow markers painted on walls, rocks, or other surfaces. They usually point to the critical path ahead.

Pay attention to Atreus as you navigate the world, especially the confusing spaces. It points out key features and makes comments to help you determine your next move. Mimir adds his advice as soon as he joins the team.

Further exploration

Since the aforementioned abilities are obtained during the Journey, you can return to previously visited places to collect more treasures. Always be on the lookout for Heb Bramble, Winds of Hel Traps, Light Crystals and Red Juice. Remember where you see these obstacles and return with the necessary tools to find valuable loot.

Gnome Shops

Almost everywhere you go, you will be able to run into one of Haldra's brothers, Brock or Sindri. They have the ability to craft armor from recipes that are unlocked along the way. Some items are also available for purchase, and some items that you no longer need can be sold for Hacksilver. Once unlocked, the Resurrection Stone can be purchased from shops, although you can only hold one at a time. New items are constantly being added as you progress through the Journey, complete objectives, and recipe searches. Return to the gnomes to get better equipment. Numerous resources found throughout the environment are needed to craft and upgrade equipment, so mine every container you find.

Lost Items

Items left on the battlefield appear in the Huldra stores under the Lost Items tab. Hold the area to get all the lost items. Items that can be lost on the battlefield include the following:

Lost Item Location Miniboss / Boss

Ivaldi's anvil

river pass

Brenna Dowdy

frozen flame



Wrath of the Wolf

Symbol of survival

Fragmented Heart of Alfheim

Alfheim Stone Ancient

River of Knives

frozen flame

Frost Sigil of Defense

Corpse Tamura

Ice Ancient

Boar bread

Corpse Tamura

king queen

Alloy Leiptr

Corpse Tamura

Magni and Modi

frozen flame

Corpse Tamura

Magni and Modi

Flame of Chaos

Tartar fury

Tire Vault

Flame of Chaos

Tire Vault

Dust Grendel / Frost Grendel

Frosty Focus Sigma

Mountain (return)

Frost Ancient

Flame of Chaos

Helheim (escape)

Hel Traveler

Deadly fighting handles

Hel Traveler

Wrath of Artemis

Kingdom between kingdoms

Lake of Nine (Helheim Tower beach)

Death Eater

Fire Sigil Focus

iron bay

The fire is ancient

Seiðr Sigil of Protection

Ruins of the ancients

soul Eater

Fire Sigma of Might

Veithurgard Pass

Lava Ancient

Vivarium Key Orb

Daudi Hamarr

Horn of Heimdall

Daudi Hamarr

Fire Protection Force

soul Eater

Defense of Aegir

Elite repopulation

Seiðr Sigil of Toughness

Fafnir's utility room

Forest Ancient

Shattered Gauntlets of Ages

Fortress Nortry


Death Struggles of Life

Konunsgard Fortress

Hel Traveler

Seiðr Sigil of Runic

Konunsgard Fortress

soul Eater

Feathers of the Fallen Servant

Corpse Tamura

Asgardian steel

Corpse Tamura

Heart of Vanaheim


Valkyrie Geirdriful

Asgardian steel


Valkyrie Geirdriful

Might of the Valkyrie

Eye of the winged chosen one

Asgardian steel

Talisman of the realms

witch cave

Valkyrie Kara

Heart of Midgard

witch cave

Valkyrie Kara

Asgardian steel

witch cave

Valkyrie Kara

Valkyrie grips

Valkyrie Rota

Shard of Asgard Existence

Valkyrie Rota

Asgardian steel

Valkyrie Rota

Perfect Asgardian Steel

Valkyrie Rota

Waist Guard Valkyries

Valkyrie Olrun

The damaged mind of Ivaldi

Valkyrie Olrun

Asgardian steel

Valkyrie Olrun

Perfect Asgardian Steel

Valkyrie Olrun

Gauntlets of the Valkyrie


Valkyrie Gendul

Leviathan eye


Valkyrie Gendul

Asgardian steel


Valkyrie Gendul

Perfect Asgardian Steel


Valkyrie Gendul

Flame of Chaos


Valkyrie Gendul

Wing of the Fallen

Breastplates of the Valkyries

Heart of the Valkyrie

Asgardian steel

Perfect Asgardian Steel


Valkyrie Council

Valkyrie Queen Sigrun

Njord's Time Stone

Valkyrie Council

Valkyrie Queen Sigrun

Asgardian Steel x12

Valkyrie Council

Valkyrie Queen Sigrun

Perfect Asgardian Steel x6

Valkyrie Council

Valkyrie Queen Sigrun


After reaching a dead end while trying to reach the mountain, you will be introduced to Journey in the Temple of Tyr. With the required travel rune, you can use the table in the middle of the room to reach four other orbs.

Areas available for travel

mystic gate

After you meet Brok at the Temple of Tyr, the Mystic Gate will become available so you can quickly return to Brok's shop. Later in the game, Brock improves the travel system so you can travel between any two gateways. Note that you must discover the gateway before it can be used.

Approach the Mystic Gateway and press the "Circle" button to display a map with all available gateways. You can select Brock's shop in the temple prior to Brock's upgrade to the system; otherwise, select the desired destination. This will take you to the Yggdrasil tree. You can walk along the path or stand and wait while listening to the banter. Once the destination is loaded, a bright door appears ahead. Interacting with him sends you to the Mystic Gateway in a new location. Please note that you can only use gateways in the area you are currently in; you cannot travel between areas using gateways.

The Mystic Gateway is available on the lower level of each Hidden Camera, next to the elevator. If you unlock and enter one of these chambers but don't plan on fighting the Valkyrie or the Tear area, you should at least open the gate. This provides an easier starting point when you're ready to take on a challenge. An added benefit of using the Mystic Gateway is that interacting with one restores Kratos to full health.

Kratos Health

Norwegian lands are dangerous, deadly traps and brutal enemies. Keep track of Kratos' health, represented by a green bar at the bottom of the screen. As Kratos takes damage, this meter depletes until he is defeated.

Loot Iðunn Apples from Nornir chests; your maximum health increases with each number of apples you collect. There are nine tiers in total, with a total of three upgrades.

Resurrection Stones

Resurrection Stones allow Atreus to revive Kratos when he enters combat, but only one can be carried over at any given time. They can be bought and sold at Brok and Sindri shops. There are three types that revive Kratos to different levels of health and rage. To use the Resurrection Stone, press "Square" when the message says that Kratos will go down. You have limited time to complete the action, so be prepared. It is not necessary to use your Resurrection Stone, so decide if death is worth the price of the item.

spartan fury

The orange bar below the health meter shows Kratos' Spartan Fury. As Kratos takes damage, a meter builds. When completed, press L3 + R3 to activate Spartan Fury. In this state, Kratos' attack power is increased with unique melee attacks. See "Using Spartan Fury" » later in this chapter for more information.

Collect blood horns from Mead from Nornir's chest to increase your maximum rage. Three horns provide rage, for a total of nine horns over three upgrades. These three upgrades add a second segment to the rage. You can unleash a Spartan Fury once the left segment is full, or wait for a longer period of Fury.

Earning experience points

Experience points are earned by killing enemies, completing objectives, and unlocking Laura and valuable items. Use experience points to acquire skills for the axe, blades, shield and bow. It can also be used to upgrade runic attacks and summons. Three weapons must be upgraded to gain access to all Skills. Refer to chapter Equipment for more information on all available skills and attacks.


Watch out for Rune Creatures to be found lying around the environment and falling from enemies. Green gems (health gems) replenish Kratos' health, orange gems add rage, and white gems give a small amount of experience points. The special Runestone goes through all three colors; wait for the desired bonus before picking it up. Note that Kratos stomps the Runestone to get an effect that hits weaker enemies that stand nearby.

Valuable Loot

Lots of items are available from containers found all over Norwegian soil. In addition to items found lying on the ground, valuable loot is also found in Shared Chests, Coffins, Legendary Chests, Cipher Chests, and Nornir Chests. Interact with each to collect content.

Open Nornir Chests

Each nornir chest is sealed with three runes. You must find and deactivate all three runes in order to get the chest. Somewhere, usually in close proximity, the same three runes are found on destructible objects or bells. If the former, break the seals protecting the runes; time is not a problem. These runes are usually found out of range of melee attacks that require throwing an ax to get them.

When the runes are on the bells, you must ring all three within a short time. Each call resets with its own timer, backlit to show that it is activated again.

Once all three runes are deactivated, indicated by being dark on the chest, Iðunn Apple or Horn of Blood Mead can be harvested. If you have collected all nine apples or horns, a random enchantment will be used instead. A total of 21 Nornir breasts can be found in all areas of Midgard, Alfheim, and Helmay-11 that can contain Idunn's Yarunas, and 10 "Blood Horns". Nornir chests can also be found in Niflheim, but they always provide an epic Niflheim spell.

There are many settings for these Nornir breasts, all of which are described in the appropriate chapter. If discovered during the Journey, refer to TheJourney chapter for solutions. Nornir breasts found during the Request (Incense) or around the Lake of Nine are covered in the Request or Lake chapter, respectively.


Hacksilver is the most common resource in the game. You earn it for most everything you do in the game, and you can find it throughout the area. This is required for most shopping in stores. There are many more resources needed to build/upgrade equipment and upgrade Kratos. It's worth taking the time to look for every nook and cranny and do extracurricular activities; the best equipment requires a lot of resources. All available resources are listed at the end of the Equipment chapter, along with how to get each one.

Yggdrasil's Dew

Yggdrasil's Dew is a powerful Epic resource that constantly increases one of Kratos's stats by 2. White bulbs hang from trees along the perimeter of Lake Nine and along the entrance that flows into the Lake of Light in Alfheim. After the boat slows down under a white lamp, Atreus drops a resource that automatically provides a Stat boost.

Hanging Resources

Watch out for buckets and knuckle joints hanging from ceilings. Throw a Leviathan at a burst disk or tendril connection to send Hacksilver, a glitch where it can be collected from the ground.

Strength Level

Kratos "Power Level is the sum of all equipped items, weighted differently by slots and levels. For the most part, the biggest factors throughout the game are Armor, and later, Enchantments. Full list as follows:

  • Chest armor
  • Hand Armor
  • Armor for thighs
  • Ax Upgrade
  • Blade Upgrade
  • Ax Pommel
  • Blade Pommel
  • Talismans

It's extremely important to increase Kratos "Force of Power" as often as possible, because this is the most important factor in determining your overall effectiveness against any enemy.

Previously, because Kratos doesn't have access to Blade Pommel/Upgrades, or many Enchantment slots, the armor is 85 percent of the Strength level. That's why, for example, equipping all of Kratos' level 1 or 2 armored seats is almost exactly at Power level 1 or 2.

As the game progresses and new spell slots or variants become available, it becomes increasingly difficult to reach the next Power Level. Previously, for example, you might only need a few armor pieces to reach Power Level 2 or 3. However, reaching level 6, for example, requires numerous spells, decoys, and Blade and Ax mods in addition to your armor.

The highest level attainable is Power Level 8, but there is a buffer room based on Enchantment item/endgame choices that could potentially take players to Power Level 8.5.

Enemy power level

Like Kratos, each enemy has their own Strength level, which is displayed to the left of their health bar. Kratos can usually handle enemies that are within 1-2 levels with relative ease. However, enemies that are 3 levels above Kratos (indicated by a purple health bar) will be significantly harder. Enemies over 3 levels above Kratos (indicated by a skull icon and a purple health bar) should be considered extremely dangerous.

Enemies with a higher Power Level than Kratos are harder to stagger, launch, and stun.

An enemy's health color shows a quick indication of how that enemy compares to Kratos.


What is Influenced by Power Level
Fury Damage: Kratos Fury's damage is based on his Power Level against the enemy and is independent of armor.

Enemy Break Vulnerability: The difference in Kratos and the opponent's Force level affects whether the opponent will play certain reactions or completely absorb reactions.

Frost/Burn/Weaken/Shock/Stun Status Damage: Base status damage increases or decreases primarily based on Power Level, but purchases of Enchantment and skill tree also count. For example, the amount of Frost damage applied during freezing weather will change depending on your Power Level against the enemy.

Enemy attack as it is related to Block/Block/Unblock: Enemy attacks range from fully blockable to block (yellow flash) to unblockable (red flash) depending on their Strength level. The attack itself has an initial potency value associated with it; Strength level increases or decreases the value. For example, an opponent's attack that is normally blockable when equal to Kratos' level can become a block break when the opponent is one level higher, and unblockable when two levels higher.

Atreus "Damage: Enemies with higher Strength levels can take less damage from Atreus" Runic Summon and arrows.

The battle


Quick Dodge: Pressing X with any directional input causes Kratos to dodge in the desired direction. This can be used during and right after most attacks to cancel the attack animation and leave Kratos moving around the arena to avoid incoming attacks. Quick dodge also has a large window where Kratos is completely invincible to enemy attacks. To achieve this, as a rule, you have to think. The timing of WW1BB can be strict, depending on which enemy is encountered.)

Dodge roll: Double tap the X button with any directional input. This is your primary defensive maneuver and Kratos' main tool for controlling the cosmos. It covers more distance than a quick dodge, but is not invincible and has a longer cooldown. Subsequent attacks can be buffered while rolling so that they happen immediately after the throw is completed. Use this with dodge skills to close the gap faster or increase the distance between Kratos and the enemy.


Press R3 to focus on the current target. This is held by Kratos while looking at the selected target, indicated by a diamond icon. Use the right button to change the current target.

Blocking and Unblockable Attacks

A red or yellow flash when an opponent's attacks indicate she can't be easily blocked. Try to block these moves and Kratos may become staggered. A yellow flash (block break) can only be parried with a time block. The attack will break through regular blocks, but does no damage. A red flash indicates an attack that cannot be parried or blocked. The attack will break through and deal damage. Kratos must avoid the attack that flashes red. This scales based on Power Level.

An enemy attack that turns red when Kratos is equal in Power Level can become a yellow flash when Kratos is higher than the enemy in Power Level.

Use environment

Look for ledges where you can knock weak enemies to their doom. Spartan Kick (R2 when barebord) is great for sending the enemy overboard. Note that you cannot knock a dazed enemy on the edge or an enemy that Atreus is currently fighting.

Pin enemies to the walls

Use a heavy ax when throwing an enemy standing or flying near a wall to pin them against the wall. This only works against smaller opponents. Get into the habit of using this skill early in the game to achieve "against the wall" of labor. Gets tougher execution against higher level enemies. This only works on airborne enemies on the "Give Me God of War" difficulty.

Hangman split

With the Executioner's Cleave Skill, hold R2 to perform a vicious finishing attack on the enemy. The maneuver takes time to complete, so only use the safest for this. The last enemy owned by Atreus or stunned is the best candidate. Work Rewards "Reapers" Experience points after a certain number of enemies are hit by this skill. However, this attack must not be a finisher. This is the largest non-fury/non-runed source of damage to a single enemy and is very useful during combat.

Destructive Enemies

Freeze enemies by throwing your ax at them with R2, then attack them when frozen. It also freezes their stun bars. Frozen enemies can be hit with a BB1BB heavy attack (i.e. kick) into other enemies to deal Frost damage, into a wall with more damage, or off a ledge for a quick kill. This only works on enemies that can be destroyed. This usually refers to lesser opponents than Wolver, but not Hel-Walkers with ice armor. Destroy enemies to earn Shatter.


The permafrost and sear skills for Leviathan Ax and Blades of Chaos, respectively, facilitate attacks once "momentum" is reached. Kratos gains momentum while unleashing continuous attacks on enemies without interruption. It is lost after Kratos hit or didn't attack for a short time. This applies to any ax/blade strike, so momentum can be gained/maintained even from special attacks or skills. inertia also affects frost/burn damage and also increases all regular damage by a small percentage.

The high momentum bonus with the ax means that frost damage damages the enemy, ultimately slowing them down and making the fight much more manageable. This is a vital tactic against larger, faster enemies (like the Wulver, the ogre). inertia is also affected by runic stat, as frost damage is affected by runic. A combination of rune- and toughness-boosting equipment is one of the best ways to take full advantage of the impulse system.

Statistics and equipment

The stats determine how the player should equip Kratos (Atreus has no stats and is only affected by Cool Down Stats for his Runic Summon). Depending on the area or encounter you find yourself in, equip yourself properly to survive the dangers of the world. Ideally, you should choose gear that complements your play style, or that caters to a particular type of enemy. If you are an offensive player, equip and upgrade equipment that increases Durability and provides offensive bonuses. Talismans and swamps are vital sources of utility and should be researched in order to customize gear to suit your chosen play style. Some examples of specialized loads:

  • Durability Armor Set (Strength Level 1, 3, and 5)
  • Frost Blessing Ax
  • Fury Rip Blades and Hyperion Helm
  • Talisman - Talisman of Eternal Fury
  • Ax Pommel—Deadly Grip of Fury
  • Atreus w/ Fighter Tunic, Upgraded Light Arrows, Runic Summon—Wrath of the Wolf

Glass cannon. Provides net damage at the cost of protection and survivability. The combination of Talisman and pommel ensures that the fury is generated quickly and can be sustained for a long period of time as long as there are enemies around to kill.

  • Heavy armor set (Tiers 2, 4 and 6)
  • Polar Bear Axe, Breath of Tamura
  • Blades w/ Nemean Crush, Gift of Apollo
  • Talisman—Horn of Heimdall
  • Ax Pommel—Light Grip of Protection
  • Atreus w/ Runic Vestment, Upgraded Shock Arrows, Runic Summon—Storm of the Elks

Excellent defensive capabilities combined with survivability and area of ​​effect (AoE). The damage output suffers, but at higher levels this build allows you to effectively block almost any attack while generating energy for Talisman's active abilities.

  • Body Armor Pack for Body Armor (Tier 2, 4, and 6)
  • Ax w/ Njörd's Tempest, Mists of Helheim (focus on keeping momentum)
  • Blades with Hephaestus Explosion, Prometheus Flame
  • Talisman Talisman of Unbound Potential
  • Ax Pommel—Ymir's Breath
  • Atreus w/ Sharpshooter Garb, Upgraded Shock Arrows, Runic Summon—Boar Bread

Provides impressive damage per second, area of ​​effect, and frost damage deaffusion utility. When using short cooldowns that are used in conjunction with Talisman's active abilities and side to help in saving Frost damage, this build can cut through the toughest encounters with ease.

Vulnerable Enemy States

Kratos and Atreus can force enemies in different states during the fight, which can turn the tide of the battle or capitalize on maximum damage. Most of them only apply to lesser opponents like Draugr, Hel-Walkers and Dark Elves.

Stun: An enemy's stun meter can be filled with any attack (axe, blades, bare hands, Atreus arrows, runic attacks, shields, friendly fire).

When the meter fills up completely, the enemy enters a weakened state and can interact by approaching and pressing R3. The amount of stun applied when attacking varies, but using bare attacks and Atreus arrows are the easiest options for filling up an opponent's stun meter. A large amount of stun can be applied to enemies that are affected; in the air; wall stunned; walls rattle; or receiving attacks from behind, Runic Attacks, or any attack that causes a "flyback" (i.e. the final R1 attack in the base combo).

Spin: A well-placed light throw stomp on an enemy's head can cause the enemy to spin, exposing them back towards Kratos. This can be done for smaller common enemies like Draugr, Hel-Walkers, and Dark Elves, even if they are at a higher Strength level than Kratos. Special ones, such as Hel's Touch, can also put enemies into a rotation state.

Trip: Firing a light ax at an enemy's legs can disable it and leave it in a relaxed state. Similar to the spin state, this can only be done with smaller bipeds. This is less effective if the opponent is at a higher Strength level. This is a great tool for dealing with blocking or protected enemies.

Stun Stun: Staggering an enemy in a wall puts it in a Stun wall. During this state, the enemy takes increased damage, and each hit doubles the amount of stun. The basic combination of R1 for each weapon, light shield attack and Spartan Kicks (R2 while barebread) is simple ways force enemies to enter this state. Large enemies such as the Heavy Draugr can be momentarily stunned by fire.

Wall bounce: Any attack that causes the enemy to fly backward will cause a wall jump if the enemy is knocked into the wall. This puts the opponent in a ragdoll state and leaves them on the ground for a short time. It also applies an incredible amount of stun, filling up about 85 percent of the stun meter. R1's final attack with an ax and bare-hand basic combos, light shield attacks, and Njörd's Tempest special spells are easy ways to trigger a wall jump.

Ground Bounce and OTG (lift off the ground): An air enemy can bounce off the ground, getting airborne again if you launch it with an R2 heavy attack and break it with a second R2 entry. This can also be done with Blades by launching the enemy and using "blade throw" (L2 + R1) while the enemy is in the air. Some enemies can be taken off the ground. Lower the enemy and use Frost Rush with an ax (sprint + R1) or Rising Fury with blades. This takes the opponent off the ground from the affected state and makes them airborne.

While subtle, these techniques can be used to expand combos and pack on tons of damage.


Frost: Ax attacks that deal Frost damage and fill the enemy's Frost meter. Once the meter is full, the enemy becomes matted, causing all movements to slow down and making them more susceptible to reactions. In this state, enemies will not be dodged or blocked. In addition, some attacks, such as throwing an ax and a few runic attacks, can completely freeze the opponent. In this state, he is defenseless and can be shattered after a few attacks or thrown back into a wall. Hel-Walkers who don Ice Armor are immune to Frost damage.

burn: Blade attacks that deal fire damage and fill the enemy's burn meter. Once the meter is full, the enemy is stunned, dealing damage over time. It will also burst periodically, triggering a reaction on the enemy that interrupts their attacks. Draugr are resistant to burn.

Weakens: Atreus' light arrows can lead to a weakening of the enemy. Once an enemy is debuffed, it gains increased damage and reactions (easier, easier to launch, etc.) and deals less damage over the duration of the debuff. This is an invaluable tool in higher level/endgame encounters. Advanced this ability by updating the Light Arrow part of the Atreus tree.

shock: Atreus "Impact arrows can briefly paralyze the enemy. Once the shock meter is full, the enemy will freeze in place and send out "chain lightning" bolts that can spin against other enemies in a small radius. Additionally, if a smaller enemy is hit by a Shock Arrow while in the air, it will temporarily pause in the air. This allows Kratos to combine unique air combos for massive damage. Obtain and strengthen these abilities by upgrading the Shock Arrow portion of the Atreus skill tree.

Outliving Enemies

Enemies populate many areas of Midgard, as well as Alfheim and Helheim, once the area is completed. Not all combat spaces are overcrowded, only a select few. Repopulation occurs after a certain level is completed and returned after a certain amount of time (minimum 30 minutes). Areas continue to be reshuffled at regular intervals when the player returns to them. Use this repop to grind resources and complete Labors.

Location Outliving Enemies

Wild forest

Draugr, Hel-Reaver

river pass

Draugr, Ghosts, Nightmares, Reavers, Wolves, Soul Eater

Dark elves, Draugr

Northern Dock (Tamura's Corpse)

Wulver, Hel-Reaver

Hel River, Hel Brody, Ice Nightmares

Mason channel


Draugr, Nightmares, Ghosts

landscape mines

nightmares, tatzelwurm, dark elves

Fafnir's utility room

Fortress Nortry

Reavers, Revenants

Konunsgard Fortress

Reavers, tatzelwurm

Fáfnir Dragon Area (north of Alfheim Tower beach)

Wicken, Rivers

Buri's utility room

Draugr, Traveler

Crow Rocks

Dark elves

Forgotten Caves

death island


iron bay

Light Elven Outpost

lookout tower

stone waterfall


Elite Enemies

Elite enemies are tougher versions of standard enemies, indicated by a strong purple glow in their eyes. Mostly seen in the area of ​​Tears, Muspellheim, Niflheim, and the highest difficulty, they can also be found in tougher areas. Not only do these enemies tend to be tougher and faster than usual, they also react differently. For example, while a standard Draugr can be triggered and launched, an Elite Dragur cannot do so with them very easily.

In the highest difficulty, enemies can transform the elite based on specific rules. It forces you to deal with enemies quickly to prevent this from happening.

Elite Enemy Attributes
  • Harder to fly off and break out with rage
  • Highly resistant to Atreus Light Bolt Stun
  • Take less damage from Atreus arrows
  • Deliver much more damage
  • Enemy Type Behavior Adjustment
  • Unable to perform basic attacks
  • Can't freeze for a long time
  • General increase in resistance to reactions

This gives you a chance to avoid a bottleneck, find and destroy a health item, or launch a combo or heavy attack unharmed by your distracted enemy. Arrows also hit the enemy's shooting counter.

Atreus starts with a maximum of three arrows in his quiver. The current number of arrows available is displayed in the lower right corner of the screen. When you fire an arrow, the arrow meter begins to "reload". Each time the meter fills up, the number of arrows increases by one; this recharge repeats until you hit your maximum number of arrows.

Note that if you empty your quiver, i.e. let your arrow count down all the way to zero - Atreus cannot shoot again until the number of arrows returns to one. Whenever Atreus is unable to shoot arrows, the background of the Archer icon next to the diamond is red.

During the Journey, Atreus gains the ability to fire arrows and arrows. In addition to stunning enemies, Light Arrows Weaken while Shock Arrows hit with a Shock status effect. These effects can be improved by acquiring skills for the claw bow. Switch between Light and Shock Arrows instantly using the up/down arrows on your controller's D-pad. Note that the arrow icon in the lower right corner shows which type of arrow is currently set.

After exiting Brock's shop in the Temple of Tyr for the first time, Atreit's confidence in combat increases and his advanced combat skills take a hit. At this point, he attacks enemies when he sees an opening. Upgrade these skills in the Skills tab.

Elite Enemy Attributes on Give Me God of War Difficulty
  • All of the above elite attributes
  • Very aggressive
Elite Enemy Attributes for Those That Have Turned (Give Me God of War Difficulty)
  • Strength level increased
  • Increased damage and defense that represents Power Level increase
  • Remove Fury Damage
Elite Turn Rules
  • Enemies already spawned by Elite do not rotate again
  • Most enemies can turn elite at 80 percent health and below (can be interrupted)
  • Weak enemies such as Wolves, Tatzelwurm and normal enemies can instantly turn into an elite (they cannot be interrupted)
  • Reaver Seiðr explosions revolve around enemies of the elite
  • Some ogres and valkyries automatically become elites at low health (cannot be interrupted)
  • nightmares, trolls and ancients do not turn into elite

Enemy hordes

We've covered strategies for every enemy you face throughout the guide.

Resistance and Impact

Resistance is a secret Stat possessed by enemies. It determines how resistant they are to reaction. Large enemies, enemies with a higher Power Level than Kratos, and elite enemies usually have higher Resistance. Atreus, who grabbed the enemy, lowers the resistance.

Impact is a secret Stat that controls whether or not Kratos breaks through enemy resistance in order for him to react. Some attacks, such as many acquired skills and finishing attacks, have a higher effect.

  • Frost and Weakening debuffs on enemies reduce their resistance
  • The increase in Strength in some perks increases Kratos' hits
  • Increased permafrost and fire Kratos Impact during active
  • By laying down Kratos' Impact and lowering enemy resistance, many large enemies can be easily interrupted

Use of Atreus

Atreus is just a companion at first, but it doesn't take long for him to join his father in battle with his bow bow. When you press the Square button, Atreus fires arrows at your current target. Hold L2 and press "Square" to give him the ability to fire at a specific enemy. Repeated firing arrows can stun smaller enemies, allowing Kratos to run in to finish them off with his fearsome stun grab attack.

Against tougher opponents like minibases, Atreus' arrow hits have less physical effect. However, they distract the monster, taking his attention away from Kratos.

Atreus can be knocked unconscious by requiring Kratos to come to his aid. Press Square when near Atreus will bring him back into the fray. If ignored long enough, Atreus comes automatically.

Atreus' movement during combat

Atreus has various moves that he can automatically perform to help Kratos in battle. While they may seem random, they can be used regularly if the conditions are met to trigger them. Most of them only apply to Draugr, Hel-Walkers and Dark Elves.

  • Grab: Staggering an enemy with attacks while Atreus stands behind him causes him to mount the enemy, leaving him temporarily defenseless. Pressing Square when an opponent is grappled causes Atreus to jump and shoot depending on what arrow type is currently equipped. If an enemy is launched during the melee, Atreus rolls over with him and then knocks him back, causing a rebound in the ground (requires the Acrobatics Skill). If an enemy is knocked back while grappled, Atreus holds on to the enemy and then knocks them back. This can be useful for knocking enemies into pits. Even better, if near a wall, Atreus slams the enemy into the wall, briefly pinning them in place (requires the Acrobatics Skill).
  • Grappling can be tricky to sync with higher level enemies, as most basic attacks don't hit them.
  • Bow Sweep: Blocking or parrying an opponent's attack while Atreus is close causes him to run and knock the opponent down with his nose. This is for a moderate amount of stun.
  • Overhead Smash:. After Kratos performs an enemy light ax throw, if Atreus is nearby, he runs and delivers a follow-up attack that deals moderate stun damage.
  • Shoulder Charge: If Kratos is attacked from an invisible enemy (from the player's view), Atreus rushes to intercept or follow his shoulders, which deals high stun damage.
  • bow launcher: Kick an opponent (with any attack that causes a reverse) in Atreus's direction and he launches him back into the air, allowing Kratos to follow up and continue the combo.
  • Next street: If the enemy is stunned by fire near Atreus, he can try to keep him in this state with subsequent missile attacks.
  • ogre Grapple: If Atreus steps behind an attacking ogre, he rises and mounts it. This will anger the enemy for a moment, causing them to slam the ground and deal damage to any nearby enemies.

Atreus' defensive abilities

Atreus also possesses several defensive moves that aid Kratos in battle.

  • Dropkick: If Atreus attacks, he can interrupt the attack with a throw that inflicts a moderate amount of stun and briefly hinders the enemy. After that, using an ax throw or a headshot is a good way to focus on multiple opponents during an encounter.
  • Bow Melee and Arrow Juggle:. If an enemy gets too close to Atreus, he can hit him with a melee attack, dealing damage and stunning him. If Atreus launches the enemy, he will be able to follow the screaming ranged shooter.
  • Quick Evade: Atreus can perform a quick side throw when firing an arrow if an opponent tries to attack him.

Using Spartan Rage

Spartan Rage - A berserker-type rage that can be activated when your on-screen rage (the orange bar below the health bar) is full. If you have Spartan Fury, you will see an on-screen notification with simple activation instructions: L3 + R3.

When enraged, Kratos becomes invulnerable and gains significant strength and speed for the duration of his state. Initially, his attacks are limited to his bare hands, but they are quite powerful and deadly. Later in the game, you can acquire skills that expand your Spartan Rage attack repertoire. Spartan Rage also clears all status effects.

When Spartan Fury is triggered, the glitch meter (orange bar) starts to drop; Fury of Kratos ends when the meter is completely depleted. If you finish all your opponents before the meter runs out, you can press L3 + R3 to toggle Spartan Fury. This way you can avoid having to refill the bar from scratch. However, there is a small penalty for switching.

The rage meter replenishes in small bursts when Kratos deals or deals damage. Large bursts of resupply come from rage grabs, glowing orange items dropped by some killed enemies or, in some cases, found on the ground.

Keep rage mode when health is low. Each hit in Rage mode restores a small amount of health. Stun grab pauses the Rage Mode counter, so use it whenever possible to keep your rage. Note that the Ancients are impervious to attack; this includes Rage mode attacks. Your flurry of hits quickly fills up the Ancient's stun meter, but still allows you to deal massive damage with your Stun grab.

A good tactic is to also use Spartan Rage on herd enemies before taking them all out with a big attack. This is especially effective for summoning enemies where possible. You can also use powerful attacks while in Spartan Fury to hit enemies with each other for maximum damage and damage.

Publication date: 23.04.2018 14:39:22


The game begins with Kratos, the once cruel and ruthless Ghost of Sparta, looking sadly at a tree marked with a handprint. Click "O" to start the scene where Kratos pulls out his axe. Click multiple times R1 and he will cut down the tree.

Move with the left stick forward after the boy named Atreus towards the pier. Approach the moored canoe and press "O", after which Kratos and his son will attach a tree to the boat and sit in it. From now on, you will see your first task on the screen.

OBJECTIVE: Follow the river

Use the left stick to steer the boat and head down the river while listening to the conversation between Kratos and Atreus. After swimming through the mountain tunnel, head to the dock marked on the map with a flag, then press "O" to moor. Kratos will automatically lift the tree onto his shoulder, after which you must follow Atreus until you reach the house. A new cutscene will begin where Kratos is chopping wood for the funeral pyre ( 1 on the map above).

OBJECTIVE: Hunting with Atreus

After all the scenes, exit through the gate (2) and follow Atreus, who is hunting a deer. Watch out for the bluish glow that indicates a pickup - one of them, Chopped Silver, is located at the fork just behind the waterfall (circled in the screenshot below). Head to the right fork path and you will find footprints on the ground (3) . Explore them.

Before following the next path at the fork leading to the bridge, go through the gorge under the bridge to find the chest and collect its contents.

Continue following the gorge to find a glowing object on the ground in front of the stone steps, which is the "Lost Toy" (Wildwood Artifact).

Artifacts are collections of items that can be found in various major areas of the game. By collecting the entire set, you will receive a considerable amount of experience. Later, artifacts can be sold in the shops of the dwarves, receiving for them "Hacksilver".

Climb up the stone steps and you'll find more footprints that Atreus will identify as belonging to a wild boar. Continue along the path until you reach the edge of a broken bridge. (4) . Jump over the gorge with "O", then follow Atreus further, jump over the fallen tree, go further and see a beautiful deer (5) .

Start chasing the prey, remembering to pick up buckets of Chopped Silver along the way, and also take the chest that is under the fallen tree on the right. When you get to the suspension bridge (6) , you will notice that it is broken and there is an obstruction on the opposite side. Clear the bridge by throwing the ax at the barrier. Then jump over the abyss, and ahead you will again see a deer. Artey will hurriedly shoot him and miss. Having taken away the bow from the boy, Kratos will again send him in search of the beast.

Keep following Atreus and soon you will be attacked by Draugr (7) . When an enemy appears, throw an ax at him. If the creature gets close enough to you, hit it with light attacks and then finish it off with a heavy one. The Leviathan quickly cuts the Draugr into pieces, but bare-handed attacks are almost fatal to them.

After you deal with the first threat, the second Draugr will jump off the boulder and into the clearing. Try throwing an ax over his legs. Two more pairs of Draugr will then spawn and attack you one after the other. Hold up "L1" to block enemy attacks with your shield, then perform a heavy attack by pressing R2. Experiment with this tactic, combining light attacks with heavy attacks and block, and soon the enemies will be defeated.

After destroying the enemies, follow Atreus to the ancient ruins with huge stone towers. Continue through an archway engraved with strange letters into a courtyard with stairs leading in four different directions.

Pick up glowing green Health Stone (8) to heal. Then look up to the ceiling where you should see a bucket hanging down. This is an "offering container", many of which can be found throughout Midgard, and they contain "Chop Silver". Throw the Leviathan at the glowing disk above the bucket and knock it to the ground. Don't forget to pick up the loot.

Now it's time to explore the ruins before following Atreus, who heads towards the left stairs. Climb the rightmost ladder and follow the slope down to the waterfall. Don't miss the chest that is in the grotto on the left side of the ravine. Follow the river to the left (9) to find another bucket of Chopped Silver next to the corpse. Then return to the waterfall and climb the ledge on the right (10) .

Follow the path to the canyon gorge where you will see a chain (11) . Click "O" to slide down to the ground. There you will see two Wolves guarding the sarcophagus (12) . Wolves are very fast enemies, making them hard to hit with Leviathan. So block their bites with your shield and then attack with your bare hands. This makes it easy to stun them and then perform a finishing blow.

After killing two Wolves, open the sarcophagus, in which you will find a lot of Chopped Silver. Before heading back up the chain, pick up the Lost Toy on the ground nearby. Then climb up the chain and back to the yard (8) .

In the courtyard, go up the top steps and throw the Leviathan at the wooden barrier (13) . Go into the cave where you will see a Norn Chest, which is sealed with three blue runes. To open the chest, you must break all three seals. To do this, you need to find three suitable runes in this area and break them by throwing a Leviathan.

Opening the Norn Chest:

  1. The rune is on the ground to the right of the chest.
  2. The rune is in an open chest, which is located against the left wall of the Norn Chest.
  3. The rune can be seen by turning towards the exit from the cave, in the left corner.

When all three seals are broken, open the chest to get "Apple Idunn".

There are a total of 9 Apples in the game and they are found only in magically sealed Norn chests. For every three Apples, you will increase the health bar.

Get back to the point (8) and follow the remaining stairs. Go further and see a deer heading towards an ancient temple. Continue on your way to the temple entrance (14) and open the large red doors, after which a scene will begin.

Get through the crack in the wall (15) , go down the stairs and turn left. Follow Atreus to a side room with glowing embers in the center. Ahead, just around the corner, Draugr will appear in the temple courtyard. (16) . Throw an ax at them from a distance several times, and then finish them off with melee. Most importantly, don't let your enemies outflank you. There will be more Draugrs coming soon, so be prepared to use your rolls to keep them from attacking you from behind.

After dealing with the enemies, look around. You will see a large chain attached to a vertical post in the center of the yard. This mechanism opens the gate ( 19 , 20 ) leading west and south from the courtyard. But before you open them, first open the high doors (17) leading north. Follow through them and you will come to the frozen pond area (18) , where there is another sarcophagus and Wolves, who will soon be joined by Draugr. If suddenly the Wolves grab Kratos with their jaws, just press a few times "O" to get free.

Remember, to easily slow down Draugr, you need to throw an ax at his legs. As soon as the enemy is on the ground, lunge at him and perform a heavy blow to knock him up, then quickly land light attacks and you can "juggle" the enemy in the air until he dies. Or you can just throw an ax at Draugr from a distance and return it.

After the fight is over, don't forget to pick up all the items in the area, including the Lost Toy. Also take the reward from the sarcophagus. Now you can go back through the high doors and go back to the courtyard (16) .

Approach the large chain tied to the upright and pull on it to turn the gear above the door leading to the courtyard exit (20) . This will raise the inner gate and lower the outer one, as well as raise the gate leading to the side room. (19) .

To prevent the gate from closing when you release the chain, you need to throw Leviathan at the same gear above the door to freeze it. !!!Don't take the ax yet!!! First go to the side room (19) to open the Chipped Silver Sarcophagus.

Return to the temple courtyard and go through the temple exit (20) . Once you pass through the raised inner gate, you can pick up the axe. This will freeze the gear and the inner gates will close, and the outer ones will open, making it possible to leave the temple.

When you are outside, turn left to pick up loot from another sarcophagus. Turn left again and you will see a chain hanging from the wall (21) . Climb up it. Turn right at the top to see an iron gate blocked by rubble (22) . Please note that if you throw a Leviathan at a pot of fire, it will explode and destroy the barrier.

On the other side of the closed gate hangs another pot of fire. Destroying it will clear the barrier blocking the gate. Unfortunately, he is behind the gate, so the ax will not reach him. So go to the gate and in the hole in the ceiling you will see a glowing bluish disk. Throw a Leviathan at it and the pot of fire will fall to the ground.

Also knock down the offering bucket to collect its contents. Falling down, the pot of fire will explode and remove the barrier. Open the gate and pick up a chest with Chopped Silver.

Climb up the stairs (23) and by the right wall you will find a chest. Also ahead you will see a wooden barrier (24) . After taking the loot from the chest, break the barrier by throwing the axe. This will allow you to reach an ornate closet at the end of a small hallway. Opening the closet gives you access to "Sanctuary of Jotnur"- the first "Legend" (Skedl and Hati).

Legends tells interesting stories of the GOW world.

Now back to the wall where you climbed the chain (21) , and slide down. Follow Atreus along the path past the red banner located between the boulders (25) to start a cutscene. When you get control, follow the instructions on the screen to shoot the deer.

Follow Atreus to the lying stag for another scene, after which you will be in an open arena. (26) , where you will encounter a massive Fire Troll named Deidy Capemadr.

Daidy Capmadr

Trolls are not complex creatures. Each of them has a massive stone column in their hands, with which they are ready to crush everything that they do not like.

Fire Troll Deidy Capemadr immediately raises a column to strike Kratos. In addition to this attack, the thug has two more main ones. If you keep your distance from the troll, he will first try to ram Kratos with a column, and then quickly strike the ground with its back.

Luckily, all of Deidee Capemadre's attacks can be easily dodged with rolls. Press the left stick in the direction you want to roll, then double-click on the "X" button to move away from enemy attacks. You can also press "L3" to quickly run away. While fighting, don't forget to pick up green crystals scattered around the arena if you need to restore health.

If you want to throw at the Leviathan troll, then aim for the head, as the enemy is vulnerable there. In other parts of his body, throwing an ax will not cause much damage. Also, to distract Deidy Capemadre, order Atreus (by pressing "square" on the gamepad) to shoot him with a bow. When the enemy turns their attention to the boy, attack him with combos and heavy hits, then roll over again out of his area of ​​effect.

When the troll's life bar approaches zero, a red circle will appear around its head, and a notification will appear on the screen that you need to press "R3". By doing this, you will finish off the enemy.

OBJECTIVE: Return home

After defeating Deidy Capmadra, a cut-scene will begin, after which the heroes will go home. Once you get control, follow the ledge (27) , give Atreus a lift and follow him. Continue following the narrow passage and then deal with the Draugr.

Combining Kratos' melee attacks with Atreus' shots will allow you to quickly stun enemies. A stunned enemy cannot attack for a few seconds, and you, approaching him and pressing R3 literally tear it apart. This tactic works with most Draugr.

After the fight, pick up all the loot, and then explore the entrance on the rock on the opposite side of the zone. You will see a glowing metal plate that you cannot open at the moment. This so-called "Chamber of Secrets" (28) , which in the game can be found in total 7 pieces.

Now go to the ledge with yellow glyphs (29) , and you will see another group of Draugr. You can easily deal with them using the tactics described just above.

You will soon be introduced to a new enemy, the Rogue Boss, who will spawn from a pile of rocks near a nearby elevator platform. (30) . This creature is clad in ice armor, making it resistant to Leviathan's attacks. Therefore, put away the ax and switch to hand-to-hand combat mode to deal with it more easily.

After the fight, approach the lifting platform (30) , and you will see a log barrier tied to a rope blocking the path. Throw the ax at the glowing disk hanging on the rope to release the platform. Now jump down to the backyard. Approach the house and go under the overhang on the right side to get into the front yard. Keep to the right edge of the courtyard until you see a glowing object on the ground. This is the last Lost Toy.

Now finally get closer to the house and open the door (31) to start the cutscene. After you go into the house, go to Atreus, talk to him for a new scene, after which the boss is waiting for you.

BOSS: Stranger

The battle with the Outsider takes place in several phases, or rather, in four.

Phase 1: Backyard

At this stage, the enemy behaves in various ways randomly.

The Outsider walks around and taunts Kratos by saying various phrases. You just need to run close to him and deliver combinations of blows. The enemy will not block them. Your final attack will always throw the Outsider across the yard, destroying trees in the way.

The alien raises its arms and emits a red flash, then slams its fist on the ground, sending a shockwave (unblockable) straight at Kratos. This attack is best dodged by rolling.

Runes start glowing on the Outsider's body and he quickly throws straight at Kratos, then beats him up. Quickly block his attack by pressing "L1".

The alien moves from side to side with lightning speed towards Kratos to start attacking him with a series of blows. Block an attack with a shield or dodge with a dodge and then attack.

Phase 2: Roof

When the Outsider's health is reduced by half, a cut-scene will begin, at the end of which you will find yourself on the roof. Use the "R1" button to strike quickly to knock down enemy health even more. The exchange of blows on the roof will end with a cutscene, after which the enemy's health bar will become full again.

Phase 3: Rage

The alien will head towards Kratos' house, and a message will appear on the screen asking you to enter Spartan Fury mode by pressing L3 and R3 at the same time. Do this and Kratos will go into a frenzy for a limited period of time (the duration of the rage is shown as a new orange gauge under the health bar), which will increase his strength and speed.

After the rage bar is depleted, the Outsider will start using the attack sets from Phase 1. Continue the fight until the enemy's health is at zero, after which another cutscene will follow, which will lead to the final stage of the battle.

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God of War is one of best games of the year, but similar to last year's best-selling The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, it's surprisingly opaque to newcomers. What perks to take at an early stage of the passage? Should I upgrade my old armor or buy a new one? What is the difference between horizontal and vertical ax throw?

The editors of Game2Day have collected answers to the most common questions among beginners in one guide to God of War. We tried to do without spoilers, so you can safely read and not worry.

Spend time researching

God of War makes the most of every corner of the map. A side quest is able to tell you a unique story or open the veil on the secret of the past. On a tiny island, there may be a couple of puzzles or a duel with a pseudo-boss. God of War is a colossal game and you might be tempted to finish it faster than you have to, that's not good. Enjoy every moment, it's worth it.

Look for the Ravens of Odin

It is not entirely clear what will happen after you destroy all the ravens, however each of them brings important items to the collection. And besides this, it helps to explore the game world: hunting for birds allows you to travel and admire the sights of God of War.


The dialogues in the game are not only interesting, but also extremely informative. Skipping conversations with NPCs will deprive you of an important part of the game - backstories, context about antagonists and useful tips.

Don't forget to get treasures for solving puzzles

As you travel through the tangled paths of God of War, you're sure to come across plenty of mirrored doors and glowing green gizmos. These are not puzzles, but you can open them a little later.

Chambers of Odin

If you find your way to one of the Harsh God's chambers at the beginning of the game, go to the elevator and go down into the hall until you find a special gateway. There you will find a surprise - we will not spoil, you will find out for yourself.

Some fights cannot be won in advance

The minibosses in the game are quite difficult, so if you can't win at a particular stage of the passage, just move on. Over time, the character will have improved equipment and the old enemy will fall faster than you think.

Combat system


Combat in the new God of War is different from the original: the initial fights will be quite slow. Use it, search better ways to win, experiment with combinations. In the future, the dynamics of battles will only grow and it will be too late to learn.

Use the environment

Space in God of War can and should be turned to your advantage. Throwing an enemy into a wall will stun him and allow Kratos to unleash a couple of flashy combos. Giant pots on the ceiling can be knocked down on the heads of enemies. In the later stages of the game, explosive cylinders will appear on the rocks, with which you can get rid of opponents in the second or third round of the battle.

Knock enemies off ledges for easy kills

This is the easiest way to get rid of an opponent. Kratos and Atreus cannot fall off a cliff, but their opponents can. This tactic is especially effective against bad guys with a lot of health.

Swap runic attacks

Kratos can be equipped at any time with a heavy and light attack using a rune. Some of them stun the opponent, some deal a lot of damage. A part is a narrowly focused tool for the fulfillment of certain goals. Feel free to swap them around and adjust to suit the situation. For example, choose two stun runes at once or switch to one-time damage in case of a collision with a large and formidable boss.

Learn to Parry

God of War in terms of combat mechanics is slightly reminiscent of Dark Souls. At the beginning of the game, no one forces you to parry or dodge attacks, but later on, such skills will come in handy. Passive attacks allow you to deal a large amount of damage to a disoriented enemy.

Don't Forget the Arrows

Atreus never runs out of ammo in his quiver, so don't be stingy with wasting arrows on weaker enemies during mass battles. It is especially useful to shoot at those who are preparing for a crushing attack - a well-aimed hit will quickly discourage the desire to send Kratos to the forefathers.

Understand the difference between ax throws

A vertical throw slams into an enemy and freezes them in place. The horizontal one bounces and ricochets into the air, and with certain perks it can catch fire and deal additional damage. Plus, horizontal ax throwing allows you to send the weapon a little further.

Look for amulets that slow down time

On the elven shores, you can find special amulets that allow you to slow down time. An extremely useful item, but that's understandable. The first amulet is obtained for solving the puzzle, the second - in a side quest for merchants.


Do not buy a ton of armor and equipment at the start of the game

Extra spending in the early stages is useless. It’s better to beat a couple of bosses or solve a few puzzles, getting great armor with equipment for free. Materials and silver are best saved for upgrades. Bow upgrades are expensive, but worth the cost. Armor obtained in the early stages of the game can be sold, but high-quality armor that you get after a few hours of playthrough is not. The higher the level of equipment, the better. However, the upgraded armor can be of better quality than the new one, with a higher level.

Customize spells for each zone

For example, in the elven kingdom, you will need enchantments to attack dark elves. In areas with flying monsters or Ancients, you need to enchant an ax. Do it ahead of time and you'll be fine.

Where to spend experience?

Start learning the controls and then gradually add new combinations to your arsenal. If you do not know where to spend your XP points? Spend them to upgrade Atreus' arrows. Do not forget about the runes - they can also be upgraded.

Ignore Perk Bonuses

Bonuses for certain skills are not needed for almost the entire campaign. You should pay attention to them only after all the skills are open.

Some gameplay as a bonus

God of War PS4 full walkthrough. God of War - Description of the passage, secrets, general tips, character development.

Welcome to the step by step guide and Walkthrough for God of War, where you will find information about various aspects of the game. You will find in particular tips and general tips to help you understand the rules of the game. The manual also contains messages related to game mechanics, that is, a description of elements such as the interface, controls, or character development.

God of War PS 4 full walkthrough and guide

The God of War guide also contains a detailed walkthrough of the story campaign and various side missions. There was also a way to solve various puzzles and descriptions of places related to secrets and finds.

Next part of God of War focuses again on the adventures of Kratos known from the previous parts. After the bloody exploits of the past years, he finally decides to hide in the winter, in the north, where he starts a family. However, the past is captured by the protagonist, who, along with his young son Atreus, is forced to face many dangers again.

Have fun and enjoy reading!

The guide also contains information regarding the mechanics and operation of the game, including things related to, among other things, control, inventory, skills, or various secrets. The publication is updated on a regular basis, so we invite you to visit daily.

  • control
  • Menu and inventory
  • Upgrading weapons and armor
  • Runic attacks
  • Can you continue playing after completing the story campaign?
  • What worlds are available in the game and how to unlock them?
  • Is there a fast travel system in the game?
  • Is there a manual record of game status?
  • Can Kratos and Atreus die?

God of War Game Mechanics

God of War is a title that offers the player many possibilities related to the skills and development of two heroes, among other things. Following are the important elements of the game.

God of War main and side missions

  • God of War -
  • , land of the dead, ice troll
  • God of War - Escape from Helheim: boat, bonfires
  • God of War - Road to Jotunheim: Tyr's chamber, traps, chains
  • God of War - Jotunheim at your Fingertips: Serpent's Inner Boss Fight (Baldur)
  • God of War - Between Worlds: Jotunheim Tower
  • God of War - Mother Donkeys: World of Giants, Funeral
  • God of War - Homecoming: Midgard and Intelligence
  • God of War - favor, additional tasks
  • God of War - Free Dragons

Update coming soon.

God of War PS 4 Complete Walkthrough: Secrets

There are many different elements in God of War. From various types of chests (norn and legendary) containing valuable items and improvements to the protagonist, through artifacts ending in various jobs. Below are links to individual pages with secrets and seekers.

- Explore a lot - try not only to follow the main path leading straight to the goal, but also spend some time. As a rule, there are many sides around the main passages leading to interesting places. In general, you will find additional enemies in them, but also a lot of silver and other items (such as artifacts).

- Do not forcibly explore - while you are campaigning, you may not be able to unlock a passage or walk to a valuable chest, for example. If after several attempts this art fails, continue storyline. Thanks to this, you gain access to many new places and places that are not initially available.

It is also worth adding that during the game you will encounter, among others, characteristic red and blue plants that block passages and access to some boxes. Don't worry about them, because during the game you will get the opportunity to destroy them.

- Listen to the instructions of the son - a young man can be useful in many situations. The son of Kratos will inform his father, in particular, about threats during combat (for example, that someone falls behind him), but also during reconnaissance.

Sometimes it is enough to spend some time in one place to hear from a shrewd young man, for example, a hint of a hard-to-find treasure.

- Use the bestiary - you will find in it not only descriptions of the enemies you meet, thanks to which you can learn their history, but, above all, strengths and weaknesses. It's worth getting to know them especially when you're having trouble defeating an enemy.

- Pay attention to the threat indicators - these are special markings that appear around the hero (outside Kratos' field of vision) during the battle. They report various dangers associated with adversaries:

  • Indicator "White / Gold" - informs about the approaching enemy (be ready to defend or dodge).
  • Red indicator - nearby enemy is moving (evading or blocking).
  • Purple Indicator - Indicates an incoming missile or other ranged attack (it's best to dodge at this stage).

- Be aware of the difficulty levels - although you decide the difficulty level before you start playing, there is no problem to change it during the game itself. This can be especially useful when the game is too difficult for us to handle.

To change the difficulty level, go to the menu (Options button and then the triangle), select Settings, Game, and then change the difficulty level (this includes loading the last checkpoint).

- Restore your health - remember that in God of War, Kratos' health is not self-renewing. To do this, use special green dots or special items that you can get during the adventure. The level of health is especially important during fights - if this is not enough for you, then the duel can be easily lost.

Please note that it takes some time to refresh the health in the green dots, when the opponents can deal additional damage to Kratos. The standard of living is symbolized by a green bar in the upper left corner of the screen.

Leviathan in action

- Develop heroes - try to regularly invest in upgrades and skills of new equipment. If you don't, at some point it will turn out that the character statistics are too weak, and you will have big problems in almost every subsequent encounter.

If you are interested in advancing to the next levels, the opponents will not be such a big threat. In addition, upgrading equipment and investing in new armor will increase the Kratos multiplier, due to which the hero will advance to a higher and higher level of experience.

- Complete additional tasks, work and look for secrets - these are the best ways to quickly get experience points and silver, which are necessary for the development of Kratos and Atreus.

That's why it's often worth stopping a bit during the story campaign, and it will take some time to complete side missions or search for different types of spots, for example. It will certainly pay off in the future.

Control in the third part of the God of War cycle is no different from similar games. We can check them at any time. To do this, simply select "Options" from the menu and then use the last item in the list, i.e. "Display Control".

Below is a description of the individual default keys. Remember that you can change this setting at any time. To do this, simply go to the Gameplay tab in the Options menu. Then decide if you want to use the default settings or vice versa.

God of War PS 4 Complete Walkthrough: Control

Here is the control in default mode:

Hero Movement - Left Analog
Launch - pressing the left analogue
Camera movement - right analogue
Tracking with the camera - pressing the right analogue
Interaction - O
Ax Summon - Δ
Son's activities - □
Sięgnij / Snooze - D-Pad (right arrow)
Guidance - L2
Block/Pair - L1
Strong Attack - R2
Light Attack - R1
Map - Touch Pad
Pauza Menu - Options

In the menu (inventory) you will find all the important information grouped into many different items. The messages found here are related, among other things, to weapons, character development, and descriptions of navigation and missions. To open the menu, simply press the "Options" key on the pad.

God of War PS 4 full walkthrough: menu

Below is a description of the items available in the menu. It is worth remembering that we switch between individual tabs using the L1 and R1 buttons. Within a particular tab, navigation is done using arrows.

  • Weapons (1) - A tab associated with the weapons of Kratos and Atreus. In the first case, this is the Leviathan ax and information about it, as well as space for any upgrades you can use on it. The second tab refers to Szpon, the arc used by the protagonist's son. Here you can also view information about it and check which call pages it can use.
  • Armor (2) - same as in the case of weapons, but this time related to defensive and therefore any kind of armor elements that can be used by heroes. It should be remembered that protective clothing is divided by Kratos into several parts related to the torso, arms and thighs. Atreus' position is easier because the boy only uses a one-piece hazmat suit.
  • Skills (3) - A tab where you can check all information related to Kratos and Atreus' own and undeveloped abilities. More information about them can be found in a separate section of the Skills guide.
  • Map (4) - shows visited areas and important places and the current location of the heroes. Secret statistics are also marked here. The map can also be launched directly from the game level by touching the touchpad.
  • Objectives (5) - You will find information related to the main and additional missions, as well as various types of results, such as artifacts.
  • Code (6) - a place where information about the game world is collected, which you collect during the game. They cover various areas, such as information about monsters and their weak points (bestiary) or information about ancient history that you will find in information tags.
  • Resources (7) - here you can quickly check the purchased resources and valuable items. They are required to create and purchase new weapon items for merchants.
  • Experience Points (8) - Called XP (Experience Points). They are needed to unlock new skills and develop heroes. You get them by completing main and secondary missions, finding secrets and participating in battles.
  • Silver (9) is the main currency in the game, needed to upgrade weapons or buy new items from vendors, among other things. You get it by exploring the game world. Silver is most commonly found in crates and on dead bodies, but you can also get them for a variety of tasks.
  • Quick Menu (10) - Icons show where you can get them. You can start the map by pressing the touchpad, go to the main menu (from which you can exit the game, but also where you can save the current game or change the difficulty), reach the triangle and leave the inventory by pressing the wheel.

During your journey, you will come across various items and materials that will allow you to upgrade Kratos and Atreus' weapons and their defense elements, which have been divided into several parts (including torso, arms, legs, etc.).

Weapons and equipment can be upgraded at the gnome shops you encounter during the adventure. If you have the required amount of raw materials and cash, it is enough to select this improvement and use it.

Before you do that, it's worth knowing exactly what this modification offers. They affect many different factors, which are described below.

  • Strength (1 in the picture above) is an attribute that increases the damage dealt while releasing standard attacks.
  • Runes (2) - Increase damage from runic attacks and elements.
  • Defense (3) - Reduces damage dealt by enemies.
  • Vitality (4) - Increases maximum health and reduces damage dealt by enemies.
  • Happiness (5) - increases the chances of activating assets (special bonuses related to weapons and equipment), and gains more experience points and silver.
  • Cooldown (6) - reduces the resumption of rune attacks, summoning and cooldown of talismans.

God of War PS 4 Complete Walkthrough: Runic Attacks

Secrets in the form of sarcophagi with upgrades for Kratos.

When exploring the game world, you will find runic gems (mostly ). They allow you to strengthen your weapons by adding different types of attacks. The first one you will find in one of the chests at the beginning of the adventure and it will be Dotik Hel.

To select a manual attack, go to the "Weapons" tab (1 in the picture below). Then select Leviathan (Kratos Ax - 2) or Claw (Atreus Arc - 3). A weapon miniature will appear on the left, with sockets (4) at the bottom. Hover over a given slot and select the X key. Then select an attack from the menu of interest to you.

Note that each attack is accurately described (5). In addition to explaining the word and the key combination needed to activate it, you'll also find information about damage dealt, freeze, stun, and cooldown.

If you have enough experience points, you can improve rune attacks - more information about how to improve them can be found in the table on the right side of the screen. There you will find information about what the upgrade provides and how much it costs.

As you advance in the game, you will receive further runic attacks (so it is worth exploring the visited lands and places). At the same time, you can use two attacks of this type, so always choose the ones that best suit your play style or that will work best in your fight.

Can you continue playing after completing the story campaign?

Yes. After finishing the game with the main thread, nothing will stop you from continuing the game to find all the secrets and seekers or complete additional tasks.

What worlds are available in the game and how to unlock them?

You start the game in God of War in the largest world - Midgard. It is also the largest place, divided into several large regions. You will gradually gain access to other worlds. Some of them will be unlocked during the story campaign, others will be available after special tasks, and the rest will not be able to be visited (perhaps they will become available in an expansion or sequel to the game).

Here is a list of worlds and how to unlock them:

  • Midgard - available from the very beginning of the game.
  • Alfheim, Helheim, Jotunheim - these worlds will become available as the story progresses.
  • Muspelheim, Nilfheim - to unlock them, you must first complete additional tasks, which consist of finding fragments of special disks (each disk consists of four parts). As soon as they are found, the worlds will become available.
  • Asgard, Vanaheim and Svartalfheim are worlds that are currently unavailable.

Is there a fast movement system in God of War?

Yes. It is based on the so-called mystical gates, which you first open access to a certain part of the game. With progress, more and more mystical gates will appear in the lands. By interacting with them, you will activate them, which will allow you to make a quick trip from one gate to another.

Initially, their number is quite small, and the journey can only go to the temple of Taira. However, over time, their number will increase and the possibility of fast movement between all open mystical gates will open.

Is there a manual record of game status?

Yes. God of War uses two types of game save methods - automatic and manual. The first occurs quite often and in many places, for example, after reaching a certain place, discovering a new place, or after a collision.

However, if you want to use the manual way to save the game, go to the symbols menu (options key), then to the main menu (triangle), and then select the save game option. Select a seat and confirm it with the X button. Remember that the number of slots is limited, and when all of them are full, you will have to overwrite the current one.

Can Kratos and Atreus die?

If during the battle the opponents bring the belt of Kratos to zero, the hero dies and the game ends automatically. Then you can use Restore Last Game Record or use the guide.

There is also a special object, the resurrection stone, which you can buy from vendors. Using it after Kratos' "death" will allow Atreus to revive his father with little health to continue the fight.

As for Atreus, the boy cannot die during the fight. However, remember that enemies can stun him and take him out of the fight for a while. Sometimes they get a guy and, for example, they start to suppress him.

If you help him get out of trouble and face a rival who is trying to destroy Atreus, you will protect him from fainting.

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