Guide to Invoker from the legendary Grimorum. Guide to the Invoker from the legendary Grimorum What to collect for the DotA 2 Invoker

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Invoker is a representative of a tribe of heroes with the main characteristic of intelligence, one of the most powerful and difficult to control characters in Dota 2. The presence of the largest number of spells makes it possible to use Invoker in different roles, for example, as a pusher, carry or nuker. Beginners, as well as fans of one-button heroes, are not recommended to play for Invoker, and if your goal is to become a Dota "guru", then this hero is just for you. Invoker takes quite a lot of practice to master, study the Invoker guide, and more than one, but soon you will learn how to play Invoker in Dota 2.

The initial stage of the game for Invoker (up to 15 minutes)

We buy: Iron Branch, Tango, Blades of Attack, go to the mid (center lane), you can also go to the triple or solo to the safe lane (for the forces of light, this is the bottom lane, and for the forces of darkness, the top lane). It is not recommended to choose a complex line or forest for the game.
At this stage of the game, we try to get ahead of our opponent in gaining experience and gold. And if we have a difficult opponent against us, then to increase health regeneration we use Quas-spheres.

Line control

Here our goal is to play carefully and not die, a brazen play can lead to a loss in the lane, and as a result, the entire game. We finish the creeps to the maximum, for this we try to inflict the last hit on the creep (Last hit), when it has few lives. In the same way, we finish off our creeps (Denying), this way we will deprive the enemy of gold and a certain amount of experience. It is worth being careful and patient, since it is unlikely that in the first minutes of the game we will have a spell that can save us at the right time, moreover, as most enemies will probably already have such an ability.

Timely check and pick up and hold Sunstrike ready. All skills are described further in the guide.
Having bought Bottle we won't have to go to the fountain at the base to replenish our health and mana. The main thing is to constantly fill Bottle .
At the initial stage, we need Phase Boots, which will add us damage and movement speed and the ability ghost walk, thanks to which we will be able to freely pass through creeps and heroes. Don't forget to use them on time.

Middle stage of the game (from 15 to 35 minutes)

Follow the Invoker guide: gank if possible, especially in the lane where our allies need help. It's good to start a gank in the presence of, for example, double damage or haste. Starting with Cold Snap, use on the enemy hero we want to focus on to prevent him from escaping. After that we use Alacrity on an allied carry, thereby giving him some superiority in battle. If the enemy is gone, we finish him off with Sunstrike.
A few effective ganks and we return to the mid, continue to gain experience and gold. Invoker's skills are relevant throughout the entire game, therefore, breaking away from our enemies in terms of level, the latter will “choke” on our damage in the late game.

Build on Invoker

Time to touch the assembly on the invoker. To increase mobility, we buy Force Staff either Eul's Scepter of Divinity. The first item will give us additional intelligence, a small health regeneration and the active ability to "push" units in the direction of their gaze, and the second - in addition to 10 units of intelligence, additional movement speed and mana regeneration, will make it possible to lift ourselves or enemy heroes into the air with a "hurricane" for two and a half seconds, thereby making during this time invulnerable to physical and magical attacks. So we can avoid the attack, or briefly delay the enemy, and, after landing, the enemy will receive a small magical damage. And to fully unlock the potential of Invoker, we buy Aghanim's Scepter, as a result, we get ten points to all the characteristics of the hero and the ability to quickly change abilities.

Late game Invoker (from 35 minutes onwards)

Combination " meteor + Deafening Blast"becomes very relevant in team battles, especially in the last stage of the game. The first ability will deal a lot of damage, and the second one will briefly stun them. We also use in batches Forge Spirit, which, in addition to the physical support of the team, will also take away armor from enemy units with each blow.

We try to finish the game before the enemy carry swings to madness. In any case, we need Scythe of Vyse, with him we will be able to turn even the most fierce carry into a harmless little animal for a short time and then, of course, kill him. If we don't have enough skills even with Aghanim's Scepter, then buy Refresher Orb, which instantly resets the cooldown of all abilities and items in the inventory.
Also in the last stage of the game Phase Boots change to Boots of Travel to become ubiquitous. If we are haunted by enemy abilities, we buy Black King Bar and gain short-term immunity to magic, except for some spells. Do not forget that with each use, the duration of action Black King Bar decreases.

Skills Invoker

This Invoker guide also includes skill descriptions. The hero's skills are created by alternately selecting three Invoker spheres in a different order and pressing the ult button. The maximum number of abilities that this hero can have at the same time is two. Moreover, cooldowns of abilities do not depend on the time of their creation, but on the time of their use. When you create another ability, it becomes in the ability block in place of the one that was created earlier. It should also be noted that the characteristics of abilities directly depend on the level of pumping of the spheres from which they are created.
Invoker's ult creates spells depending on the combination of spheres you choose. Learn all the abilities by heart and become a successful pianist Invoker, the button located to the right of the ult icon will help you with this, when you click on it, a small plate opens with a detailed description of each spell and the combination of spheres to create it.

Description of abilities

Cold Snap. This ability has a significant range, so we use it to prevent the enemy from farming and getting frags, and also, if necessary, to save allies. With this spell, you can knock down the pronunciation of some abilities by enemy heroes.

ghost walk. Invoker's multifunctional ability. Useful for escape, slowing down enemies, reconnaissance. Also, if used correctly, you can dodge enemy attacks.

Tornado A good ability to initiate team fights. In skillful hands, with its help, you can make stacks in the forest or farm. The principle of operation is similar to the active ability of Eul's Scepter of Divinity, only unlike the latter, it is massive

EMP. After a short delay, this ability deals damage and drains mana from enemies. You can scare off the enemy who is chasing us. The ability is aimed at a point and acts on the area.

Alacrity. This buff gives the allied unit bonus damage, attack speed, and movement speed. We use it wisely, we are not greedy and we throw it at allied carries, and if they are not around, we throw it at ourselves.

Chaos Meteor. With this ability, we try to hook as many enemies as possible, so we will inflict more damage on them. Train and soon you will appreciate the full power of this skill. Pairs well with Deafening Blast and Tornado. The action of the ability is aimed at a point and has a massive character.

Forge Spirit. Good ability in conjunction with Cold Snap. Forges can also scout the territory and make stacks. Useful for pushing enemy buildings.

ice wall. With this ability, you can slow down the enemy and prevent him from leaving or prevent you from attacking you. You can also protect the base from the push and help the allies hide.

Deafening Blast. Like the previous one, this ability can also be used to protect against pushing, you can still get visibility of the desired area and disarm enemies for a long period of time. The ability knocks enemies back and leaves them vulnerable to Chaos Meteor or other spells from Invoker and allies. A very effective ability against enemy carries that deal a lot of physical damage.

Sunstrike. You can't say that you know how to play the Invoker if the Sunstrike Invoker hasn't submitted to you. The skill is used to kill enemies anywhere on the map. You need to be careful, as the sunstrike works with a delay. But, if you know how to calculate the timing and follow the map, then the sunstrike will become one of your favorite skills.

"Dota 2" is a mega-successful MOBA from the notorious Valve company. One of the reasons for the popularity of this game is a huge number of characters, each of which has a unique set of abilities. In this article, we will discuss a hero called Invoker. The guide below will be useful for both green beginners and experienced players.


Invoker (whose guide you can see below) is one of the most difficult heroes in the Dota 2 game. This is due to the fact that this character has the largest number of spells in his arsenal, which are quite difficult to deal with. However, in the right hands, Invoker can become a real killing machine.

Combining various abilities, this character is capable of delivering colossal damage. Invoker's procast is able to leave a wet spot from the enemy team. But in order to play well for this character, you must have certain skills. How to play as Invoker? What abilities does this character have? What is special about it? This Invoker guide will help you find out the answers to these and many other questions.

"Dota 2". Invoker. Advantages and disadvantages

As you know, each character in this game has both weaknesses and strengths. Invoker is no exception. In this part of the article we will consider the pros and cons of this character.

Huge DPS (in a short amount of time it can give out a lot of damage);

Multifunctionality (plays several roles in the team);

Amazing push potential;

Able to kill the enemy, even if he is on the other side of the map;

Invoker's skills are quite diverse (among them there are both disables and escapes).

Quite difficult to master (requires the player to understand the basics of Dota, knowledge of mechanics, etc.);

To benefit his team, you need quite a lot of exp and gold (this is the reason Invoker should go to the mid);

In the early stages of the game, due to the lack of spells, it is a tasty morsel for enemy gankers.


Skills in DotA are what makes a hero unique, unrepeatable. Invoker has 11 spells and three spheres in his arsenal. Next, we will look at the skills of Invoker Dota, give them brief description, provide application tips, etc.


Quas is an icy orb that represents cold resistance. Each time he leveled Quas, Invoker gains 2 Strength to his stats and +1 HP Regen per Orb active. Kvass will not only increase Invoker's survivability under the pressure of enemy gankers, but also allow you to quickly restore HP without leaving the lane.

Wex (Veks) - an electric sphere that is charged with the incredible speed of this element. For each Wex level, the Invoker gains 2 Agility to stats, +2% Attack Speed, and +1% Movement Speed ​​per Orb active. Vex significantly increases Invoker's mobility. On the maximum level pumping the hero will be able to move around the map with almost maximum speed. The increase in agility will provide additional protection against physical damage and increase overall DPS (the amount of damage dealt per second).

Exort (Exort) - the sphere of fire, which characterizes the full power and destructiveness of this element. For each level of Exort pumping, the Invoker gains 2 points of intelligence, and each active sphere of fire, in turn, adds +3 points to attack. Exort allows you to cast devastating spells that send enemies back to the fountain in seconds.


Invoke - Invoker's ultimate and key ability, which allows you to combine spheres and get spells in this way. There are only two slots for additional spells (on the first level of Invoke there is one). A special replacement system works here, removing a spell that was called before others. For example, if you created a Ghost Walk and after reloading added Ice Wall to it, then when you try to add a new spell from the panel, Ghost Walk will disappear.

Ghost Walk is a spell that is created by combining one Vex Orb and two Quass. When activated, Invoker gains invisibility and a slow debuff is applied to enemy heroes. This ability can be used for various purposes. At the initial stage of the game, with its help, it will be possible to get away from the enemy ganks. In the later stages, Ghost Walk can be used to scout dangerous terrain, such as an enemy jungle. But you need to use this ability wisely, because the enemy can notice the debuff on himself and use dusts or put a ward.

Cold Snap is a spell that is created by combining three Kvass Orbs. Places a debuff on the enemy that triggers every time they take damage. The enemy takes additional damage and a microstun. This ability does not lose its relevance throughout the game. It will help to disable the enemy carry. Also, with the help of Cold Snap, you can knock down the enemy's cast spells or a scroll of teleportation.

EMP is an ability that appears when combining three Vex Orbs. With this spell, Invoker creates an electric ball in a certain area, which grows rapidly. After a certain time, the ball explodes, burns out the opponents mana and deals the corresponding damage. EMP is great at countering supports and casters, who are essentially slaves to their mana pool.

Ice Wall is a spell that is created by combining two Kvass and one Exort. When activated, an ice wall appears in front of the hero, which slows down enemies that fall into it and deals minor damage to them. The main goal of Ice Wall is to cut off opponents from a certain location. For example, using this skill, you can pinch the enemy team at Roshan, blocking the only way to retreat. Wise use of Ice Wall will help you gain a strategic advantage over your opponents.

Tornado is a spell obtained by combining two Vex Orbs and one Kvass. Invoker casts this spell on a certain area, after which a tornado sweeps through it, which lifts opponents into the air. Upon landing, enemies take damage. Tornado is a versatile ability. It can be used to finish off fleeing enemies, save your allies from pursuit, and interrupt enemy casts.

Sun Strike is an ability that appears when three Orbs of Exort are combined. Deals damage in a small radius, but can be freely cast all over the map. Sun Strike is an excellent skill that will help you finish off an enemy running away on low HP.

Forge Spirit is a spell that is created by combining two Exort Orbs and one Quass. Upon activation, summons a fiery spirit with a ranged attack that can corrode armor. This skill counters "fat" heroes quite well. In addition, thanks to Forge Spirit, Invoker has excellent pushing potential.

Chaos Meteor is a skill that appears when two Exort Orbs and one Vex are combined. When activated, a meteorite falls on the selected area, which causes tremendous damage to nearby enemies. The ability shows itself well in the early stages of the game. With the right combination of circumstances, with the help of Chaos Meteor, you can destroy several enemies, or even the entire team at once.

Deafening Blast is a spell that can be obtained by combining Quass, Vex and Exort Orbs. When this spell is activated, an arc is created that repels enemies and deals damage to them. After the knockback ends, enemies lose the ability to attack for a short period of time. Deafening Blast is a wonderful massive disable that can be used both defensively and offensively.

Alacrity is an ability that requires combining two Vex Orbs and one Exort to get it. The spell is a buff and can be cast on yourself or another allied creature. The target gains bonus attack speed and damage. With the help of Alacrity, you can significantly strengthen the allied carry.


To create spells, you need to combine spheres with each other very quickly, but this is quite difficult to do. It is necessary to remember the combination of spheres for each ability and skillfully wield the keyboard. However, even this does not prevent errors. You can mix-click when selecting spheres and make a completely unnecessary ability. To avoid such incidents, binds were invented.

A bind is a small plugin that allows you to bind a specific command or sequence of commands in the game to the corresponding button press. Simply put, they help bind the desired action to a particular key. This greatly simplifies the game for Invoker. Instead of combining spheres, you can simply press the desired button, and voila - the ability is ready to use. Binds on Invoker will be great helpers. If you consider them to be something dishonest and cheating, then the Invoker Game will be relevant. In it, you need to quickly add up various spheres and get spells. After training for a couple of days, you will learn all the combinations without any problems, after which you will be able to create skills on your own without any binds. We continue to consider how to play for Invoker.

Important Features

Early game

As a starting purchase, it is worth buying Iron Branch (it will give you some stats), Blades of Attack (it will be needed later to build Phase Boots, and a small bonus to attack will not be superfluous) and Tango (it will help restore HP without leaving the lane). As for the lane, it is best to go to mid. After all, to gain momentum, Invoker needs a lot of gold and experience.

While standing in the lane, you don't need to get impudent and try to pick up the enemy, because in the early game Invoker is quite weak and vulnerable to ganks due to the lack of spells. Therefore, it is better to stand on the high ground and calmly last hit the creeps, increasing the potential. You should also always keep Sun Strike ready and monitor the map for enemies with low HP. After earning some money, it's worth collecting Phaase Boots. In addition to an additional attack, it will make Invoker much more mobile.

mid game

In the mid game, start actively ganking. This is where the problem begins for most players, because Invoker has quite a lot of spells, and it's easy to get confused in them. What to do in this case? If you play for this character not so long ago, then you should not try to use everything at once. Choose a combination of two or three skills that you will use during fights. For example, Invoker's best ganking skills are Cold Snap and Alacrity. This link is quite dangerous. It works like this: use Cold Snap on the enemy, then buff yourself or an allied carry with Alacrity, and then start kicking the enemy. If the enemy still managed to get away, we launch Sun Strike.

As for artifacts, it is best to collect Force Staff (will make us almost elusive) and Aghanim's Scepter (improve ult and significantly increase mana pool and HP).

Late game

In the late game, Invoker does not lose its relevance. At this stage of the game, the Meteor + Deafening Blast combo is incredibly strong. It deals massive damage and stuns enemies, giving our allies extra time to maneuver. Also, do not forget about Forge Spirit, which are good at burning the armor of opponents.

The main artifact at this stage of the game is the Scythe of Vyse. With it, Invoker can turn an enemy carry into a harmless little animal for a couple of seconds. If the opposing team has a lot of casters, then you should consider purchasing the Black King Bar. In addition, you should get Boots of Travel, thanks to which Invoker will get to any point on the map in a matter of seconds. Well, if you are an experienced player and use all of Invoker's abilities to the maximum, then you should purchase Refresher Orb. It will allow you to recharge skills and use them again. In addition, it will give additional damage and mana regeneration.


One of the most difficult and therefore interesting heroes in the Dota 2 game is Invoker. The guide presented in this article contains a lot of useful tips that will help you master this hero at a professional level.


— The most versatile hero in DotA;
- Pushes well;
- There is a camp;
— There is a disable;
- A lot of AOE magics;
- Well stands on the line;
- Can finish off an enemy hero anywhere on the map;
- There is invisibility.

- Very difficult to manage;
- Not enough mana;
- Very low movement speed - 280 (partially offset by Wex )


Quas("Q" on the keyboard)

Quas increases Invoker's survivability. With this skill, we will be able to lane easily as it speeds up health regeneration.

Scope: N/A
Cast Range: N/A

Wex("W" on keyboard)

Wex is necessary for us for mobility. With it, we will be able to attack faster, move around the map + help to run away / catch up with the opponent.

Scope: N/A
Cast Range: N/A

Exort("E" on the keyboard)

Exort improves our damage and the main characteristic - the mind.

Cast Range: N/A
Scope: N/A

Invoke("R" on the keyboard)

One of the most interesting and difficult ults in DotA. It is complicated by the fact that it is necessary to constantly “chemize” with formulas and select the right spell for each situation.

This is the whole complexity of the game for Invoker. Many do not use the full potential of the character, because they simply do not have time or get lost in the recipes, and as a result, only 2-4 spells are used for the entire game.

For interest, you can search the web for videos of Invoker being played by professional players in tournaments. 😉

Cast Range: N/A
Scope: N/A

Mana cost: 20/40/60/80

Aghanim will reduce the cooldown to 2 seconds and the amount of mana to 0.

Skill combinations for certain spells:

1 — Cold Snap

Invoker rapidly chills the target. When hit, the target is stunned for a short time. The duration of the spell depends on the level Quas.

Damage Type: Magic

- duration: 3 / 3.5 / 4 / 4.5 / 5 / 5.5 / 6 seconds;
- stun: 0.7715 / 0.7430 / 0.7145 / 0.6860 / 0.6575 / 0.6290 / 0.6005 seconds

Cast Range: 100
Scope: N/A

Mana cost: 100

2 — ghost walk

This skill, when activated, makes Invoker invisible for 100 seconds. Invoker will lose his invisibility if he casts a spell or goes on the attack.

While invisible, Invoker moves slower/faster + slows nearby enemies. Movement and slow speed based on level Quas and Wex

Effect depending on Quas level:
- slowdown: 20% / 25% / 30% / 35% / 40% / 45% / 50%;

— movement speed bonus: -30% / -20% / -10% / 0% / 10% / 20% / 30%;
Invoker slows down even spell immune enemies.

Cast Range: N/A
Scope: 400

Mana cost: 200

3 — Tornado

Invoker releases a huge tornado in front of him. All enemies that get in the way of the tornado will be thrown into the air and then take damage. The duration of the tornado flight, damage and presence of enemies in the air depends on the level Quas and Wex.

Damage Type: Magic
How damage is calculated: 70 + (2 * Wex + Quas) * 15
Effect depending on Quas level:
- duration: 0.8 / 1.1 / 1.4 / 1.7 / 2.0 / 2.3 / 2.5 seconds
- distance: 800 / 1200 / 1600 / 2000 / 2400 / 2800 / 3200

Cast Range: 2000
Scope: 200

Mana cost: 150

4 — EMP

Invoker at the target location creates a huge blast of electro-magnetic energy that explodes after a few seconds and burns the mana of nearby enemies. The amount of mana burned depends on the level Wex.

Effect depending on Wex level:
- amount of mana burned: 100 / 175 / 250 / 325 / 400 / 475 / 550

Cast Range: 950
Scope: 675

Mana Cost: 125

5 — Alacrity

Invoker increases attack speed for himself or a friendly unit. The effectiveness of the spell depends on the level Wex and Exort

Effect depending on Wex level:
- bonus to speed (in%): 20% / 30% / 40% / 50% / 60% / 70% / 80%

- speed bonus (in units): 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80

Cast Range: 650
Scope: N/A

Mana Cost: 45

6 — Chaos Meteor

Invoker throws a fiery meteor in the indicated direction, which rolls forward, leaving a trail of fire in its wake. The fire trail from the meteor deals damage to all units in the area of ​​the spell. Maximum fire damage based on level Exort and the distance that a meteorite can travel from Wex.

Damage type: magical;
Effect dependent on Wex level:
- range: 450 / 600 / 750 / 900 / 1050 / 1200 / 1350;
Effect depending on Exort level:
- initial damage: 57.5 / 75 / 92.5 / 110 / 127.5 / 145 / 162.5 every 0.5 seconds;
- burning damage: 11.5 / 15 / 18.5 / 22 / 25.5 / 29 / 32.5 every second;
Base damage and burning damage stack;
The meteor moves at a speed of 300.

Cast Range: 700
Scope: 275

Mana cost: 200

7 — Sunstrike

Invoker creates a pillar of fire anywhere on the map. It takes 1.7 seconds to create a pillar of fire.

One of our "crown" skills, which will help us finish off the enemy anywhere on the map. Therefore, try to keep an eye on the lines of your allies and, if possible, help them with this skill during the "kneading".

Damage Type: Pure
Effect depending on Exort level:
- damage: 100 / 162.5 / 225 / 287.5 / 350 / 412.5 / 475

Cast Range: Global
Scope: 175

Mana Cost: 175

8 — Forge Spirit

Invoker summons 1-2 fire demons to the battlefield. Damage, attack range and HP depends on skill levels.

Demons will help us when farming, fighting or pushing. They can also be used as reconnaissance.

If the level of Quas and Exort is not lower than level 4, then Invoker will summon two demons, not one.
Effect depending on Quas level:
- duration: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 seconds
- attack range: 300 / 365 / 430 / 495 / 560 / 625 / 690
mana: 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 / 350 / 400
Effect depending on Exort level:
- damage: 29 / 38 / 47 / 56 / 65 / 74 / 83
- protection: 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
- health: 300 / 400 / 500 / 600 / 700 / 800 / 900

Cast Range: N/A
Scope: N/A

Mana Cost: 75

9 — ice wall

Invoker creates a wall of ice in front of him, which slows the movement speed of enemy units and deals damage to them. The amount of damage and slow depends on the level Quas and Exort.

Damage Type: Magic
Effect depending on Quas level:
- slowdown: 20% / 40% / 60% / 80% / 100% / 120% / 140%
- duration: 3 / 4.5 / 6 / 7.5 / 9 / 10.5 / 12
Effect depending on Exort level:
- damage per second: 6 / 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36 / 42

Cast Range: N/A
Scope: 105

Mana Cost: 175

10 — Deafening Blast

Invoker unleashes a magical wave ahead of him that incapacitates enemies and deals minor damage. Spell effectiveness depends on levels Quas, Wex and Exort.

Damage Type: Magic
Effect depending on Quas level:
- knockback duration: 0.25 / 0.5 / 0.75 / 1 / 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 seconds
Effect depending on Wex level:
- disable duration: 1 / 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4 seconds
Effect depending on Exort level:
- damage: 40 / 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 / 280

Cast Range: 1000
Scope: 225

Mana cost: 200

The optimal order for pumping magic:

There is no optimal order, since the character is very versatile, and the option of pumping skills depends entirely on the preferences of the player, as well as the game situation.

You can focus on survivability by pumping Quas or Exort to increase damage and last hits easier, and at the same time improve mana, or maybe you need Wex first of all for some specific spells.

If you want to play support, then focus on Quas and Wex.

If you want to focus on offensive spells (be a nuker) then download Wex and Exort.

If you pump Exort and Quas, then you will be more of a “pusher”, since it is these two spheres that are responsible for the effectiveness of “cannon” magics ().

Invoker Magic Interaction

Some of Invoker's spells interact very well with each other. Also, they can perfectly interact with various arts. Let's look at a few examples:

We throw enemies into the air with the help of Tornado, and then we throw a meteorite.

Here is the same scheme as in the previous case, only instead of our "native" tornado, Eul's Scepter of Divinity is used

We throw a meteorite and Cold Snap at the enemy. Then attack the opponent so that he gets a micro-bash and thus stays in the area of ​​fire from the meteor for more time.

We curse the enemy with Cold Snap and micro-become him along with our fire demons.

Increase the attack speed of yourself or an ally, curse the enemy with Cold Snap, and then start hitting.

We throw an electric charge, then we throw enemies into the air and when they land, they will lose their mana. The same trick can be done with Eul's Scepter of Divinity

We throw the enemy into the air with the help of a tornado and throw a Sun Strike under him.

More complex combinations

To do complex combos, you will need to practice well.

Examples of more difficult combinations:

We activate Cold Snap on the enemy, then we increase the combat speed with the help of Alacrity and hit along with our creeps.

We throw up enemies with the help of a tornado, then we throw a meteor and finally we beat Deafening Blast.

With the help of Eul's Scepter of Divinity we throw up the target, then Sun Strike, Chaos Meteor and Deafing Blast.

We throw a meteor, then make an ice wall to slow down the enemy and keep him in the fire radius for as long as possible, and in addition we deal damage with a magic ring, while trying to push the enemy onto the fire path from the meteor.

As you can see, with Invoker you can do a lot of interesting things. This is not the whole list of his "arsenal". In general, improvise 🙂.


Invoker is a versatile hero, and accordingly, he can perfectly interact with any character. Invoker can be a "leit", "support", "nuker", "initiator", or maybe even combine all of these at the same time 🙂 . Invoker can play any role in the team (except tank) and adapt to any game.

Consider a few examples of interaction with various heroes:




Ursa, Morte and Void all need attack speed to trigger their passives. We will help them with this with the help of Alacrity

Skywrath Mage

Slow down the enemy with an ice wall or invisibility so that he cannot escape from the Skywrath Mgae beam.


Rasta catches the hero with a net, and we throw Sun Strike and Chaos Meteor


Invoker with Pugna can easily demolish the enemy hero with their magics along with the astral.


Catch enemies with a kinetic field, giving us complete "freedom of creativity."


While Enigma will attract enemies with her ult, we will apply our skills.





They have Silence (ban on magic).


Has 100% magic protection.


The more mana we lose, the more likely it is that he will kill us. In addition, Magina has good protection against magical damage.


Omnic can put a shield on himself or on an ally against magic damage.


His ult will not allow us to use skills and will take a lot of health every second.


He has a disable + can immobilize us with a net.


Bloodseeker has "lard".


Will steal our mana, stun and daze (incapacitate).


The more intelligence the hero has, the more the Beetle will take away mana along with health, and also do not forget about his stun and invisibility.

What to collect Invoker?

You can collect Invoker in different ways. There are no optimal options, as you understand.

Initial purchase:

1 Option:

This option implies that you will go straight to the mid lane and take a courier "by tradition". After farming some gold, buy an Empty Bottle

If you do not want to take an Empty Bottle, then take what you consider more preferable (Magic Stick, Ironwood Branch, etc.)

Option 2:

In this variation, you go for the top or bottom. There are several assembly options. This option implies that we will start with a bias in support (that is, in the future we will do Mekansm ).

Headdress of Rejuvenation will give a small stat boost and an aura that regenerates +3 hp per second for us and allies.

There are other options. Choose according to your taste:

We take the recipe Soul Ring

You can also take Mana Potion or Heal Potion.

It makes no sense to take Tangoo, since we restore health well thanks to Quas.

Purchase by the middle of the game:

Invoker has always been considered one of those heroes played by the pros. In principle, it is, in order to reveal its full potential, you need to press the buttons quite briskly. Unlike other characters, this one can use 9 abilities. By the number of buttons, Invoker is the champion of Dota 2. If you did not know the mechanics of skill set, then it is quite simple, the main thing is to remember the combinations. You dial a combination of three spheres and press Invoke. Depending on the combination, you get a spell.

At the moment, there are about three different ways to assemble this hero, the three main ones are divided into even smaller groups according to convenience and preferences. There would hardly be enough space in this article to describe and analyze them all. So let's focus on the simplest two-button Invoker. As you know, usually in professional games they download it through Quas and Wex. This leveling option is the most active, as it allows you to kill very early, besides, you get the opportunity to always go into invisibility, but in this option you need to press a lot of buttons and cast all spells, which is not suitable for all players.

In this guide to Invoker you are offered the easiest option for assembling and pumping, namely through Exort and Quas. Pumping all three elements is not profitable, and in this version you can kill enemies with two spells. The essence of the assembly is that you hang a Cold Snap on the enemy and call, so the freeze works constantly and the victim will not leave you, and the summoned units will reduce the target’s armor, and you will inflict great damage. Pumped up Exort gives you a lot of damage when it is selected, maxing it first is a must. In addition, you will be useful by standing in the lane, throwing all over the map and helping the team.

If you decide to assemble into such an Invoker, then do not buy Eul's Scepter of Divinity, Aghanim's Scepter. You simply do not need them, it is much better to take the first artifact Blink Dagger , then either , or . You do not need to buy further artifacts for mages, such as Octarine Core. Pick up items that will allow you to hit harder with your hand like Monkey King Bar , Daedalus and others.

Cold Snap-QQQ

This ability will help you in this build, it places a debuff on the target that causes micro-stuns, which slows them down. The stun is triggered when the target of the spell takes damage from any source. In addition, during each stun, a small amount of damage is dealt.

Ghost Walk-QQW

Invoker's invisibility slows all nearby enemies and also speeds him up from a certain Wex level. It's useful to level up Wex to be able to get away from enemies.


In the assembly described above, Tornado is not used. However, by the end of the game, with Wex pumped out, this spell will help delay enemies to retreat or attack.


EMP is used very often in the Quas Wex version of Invoker. It effectively survives mana, but does so with a slight delay, so it is used in combination with Tornado.


If you pump up Wex, you can increase your damage and attack speed due to this ability. You can also hang it on the called one, this will help to safely push the line.

Chaos Meteor-EEW

Again, a very useful spell if you have at least one level of Wex out, it works especially well with Cold Snap or Tornado, as it lands with a delay, and then deals periodic damage.

Sun Strike - EEE

This ability is applied across the map in a small area, dealing pure damage. There is a slight application delay. The damage is split across all targets in the area of ​​effect.

Forge Spirit-EEQ

The summoned elementals help to effectively destroy the enemy and farm in the lane. Each hit from Forge reduces armor and deals some damage, which also triggers Cold Snap.

Ice Wall - QQE

If you are being chased or you need to hook a target, place an ice wall, the enemies will be slowed down and will not be able to escape anywhere.

Deafening Blast - QWE

This ability knocks the enemy back slightly, dealing damage and disarming them. At level 25, the skill is cast around Invoker in all directions.

Magic in its earliest, one might even say most powerful form, has always been primarily the art of memory. It required no techniques, wands, or other paraphernalia, except for the mind of the sorcerer himself. All he needed were mnemonic aids to help the caster remember in full detail the psychological formula that would unlock magical power. The greatest wizards of those days were gifted with excellent memories, and the spells themselves were so complex and cumbersome that sorcerers were forced to specialize in something. However, even the most excellent wizards could only hope that they would memorize three or four spells in their entire lives, no more. Ordinary mages only knew two spells, so it's not uncommon for a village sorcerer to only know one spell, and even that required a titanic effort, tons of hints and instructions that worked like a cure for forgetfulness, in those rare cases when this very spell was asked to be demonstrated. But among all these wizards there was only one, but a brilliant and possessing a huge memory exception, and his name is Invoker. Already in his youth, an adult wizard beyond his years managed to get his hand on using not four, not five, or even seven, but at least a dozen spells that he cast almost instantly! Even more he already knew, but simply considered useless. One of his spells - Sempiternal Cantrap - was so powerful that traces of its use in the early days of the creation of the world are still visible (or simply split into atoms). Most near-immortals live quietly, hiding their secret from the world, but Invoker is by no means the one who keeps his gift in the pantry. He is an ancient one who knows far more than the rest, whose mind still has room for reasoning about the meaning of existence ... as well as for the sorcery with which he amuses himself, watching last days of this world.

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