How to navigate the compass and the terrain using natural signs. Orientation on the ground without a map Methods of orientation on the ground drawing

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever, when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

The purpose of the lesson:

To teach students to navigate the terrain without a map, determining the sides of the horizon in the most common ways, determine their location relative to the sides of the horizon, determine the distance on the ground in various ways, determine directions to an object and correctly go to the intended point.

Methodology of the lesson:

In the first lesson, the educational material is brought to the students in the form of a theoretical presentation. For the second lesson, choose an area on the ground where there were as many local items as possible. Prepare in advance a diagram of the route of movement in azimuths.

Material support:

compasses, manual mechanical watches, posters, filmstrip "Tourism", handouts, textbooks on NVP.

During the classes.


a) construction, report of the duty officer, greeting;

b) examination of the appearance of students;

c) performance of separate combat exercises.



The essence of orientation consists of 4 main points:

  • determination of the sides of the horizon;
  • determine your location relative to surrounding local objects;
  • finding the right direction of movement;
  • maintain the chosen direction on the way.

You can navigate the terrain using a topographic map and without it. The presence of a topographic map facilitates orientation and allows you to understand the situation in a relatively large area. In the absence of maps, they are guided by a compass, by celestial bodies and in other simple ways.

Topographic orientation is carried out in the following sequence:

directions to the sides of the horizon are determined and in these directions
clearly visible local objects (landmarks). Local objects, forms
and details of the relief, with respect to which they determine their location, are called
are oriented.

are determined relative to the sides of the horizon directions to several local
objects, the names of these objects are indicated and the distances to

The selected landmarks are numbered from right to left. For ease of remembering, each landmark is given a conventional name in addition to the number (landmark 1 is an oil rig, landmark 2 is a green grove).

To indicate your location (standing point) relative to known landmarks, you need to name them and report in which direction the standing point is from them. For example: "I am at an altitude of 450 m south of the oil rig. To the left 500 m - "green grove", to the right 300 m - ravine."


The sides of the horizon when orienting usually determine:

  • by magnetic compass;
  • by heavenly bodies;
  • on the basis of some local items.

The figure shows the relative position of the sides of the horizon and the intermediate directions enclosed between them. Looking at the figure, it is easy to understand that to determine the directions on all sides of the horizon, it is enough to know only one thing. Intermediate directions are used to clarify the orientation if the direction to the object does not strictly coincide with the direction to one of the sides of the horizon.

Determination of the sides of the horizon by compass,

With the help of a compass, you can determine the direction to the sides of the horizon at any time of the day and in any weather.

First, I note that when orienting on the ground, the Adrianov compass is widely used. Then I tell with the help of a compass its device.

Handling rules . To make sure that the compass is working, you need to check the sensitivity of its needle. To do this, the compass is set motionless in a horizontal position, a metal object is brought to it, and then removed. If, after each shift, the arrow is set to the previous reading, the compass is in good order and suitable for work.

To determine the sides of the horizon using a compass it is necessary to release the brake of the arrow and set the compass horizontally. Then turn it so that the northern end of the magnetic needle coincides with the zero division of the scale. With this position of the compass, the signatures on the scale N, S, B, 3 will be respectively facing north, south, east, and west.

Determination of the sides of the horizon by celestial bodies

By the position of the sun. The tables show the time of day at which the Sun is in the east, south, west in the northern hemisphere of the Earth at different times of the year.

Sun and clock. With a mechanical watch, the sides of the horizon in cloudless weather can be determined by the Sun at any time of the day.

To do this, you need to set the clock horizontally and turn it so that the hour hand is directed to the Sun (see figure); the angle between the hour hand and the direction from the center of the dial to the number "1" is divided in half. The line dividing this angle in half will indicate the direction to the south. Knowing the directions to the south, it is easy to determine other directions.

By the North Star. At night, with a cloudless sky, the sides of the horizon can be determined by the North Star, which is always in the north. If you stand facing the North Star, then the north will be ahead; from here you can find other sides of the horizon. The position of the North Star can be found in the constellation Ursa Major, which has the shape of a bucket and consists of seven bright stars. If you mentally draw a straight line through the two extreme stars of the Big Dipper, set aside five segments on it equal to the distance between these stars, then at the end of the fifth segment there will be the Polar Star.

By the Moon. If the North Star is not visible due to cloudiness, but the Moon is visible at the same time, it can be used to determine the sides of the horizon. So, knowing the location of the moon in various phases and time, you can approximately indicate the directions to the sides of the horizon.

Based on local items.

When working out this educational question, I distribute task cards with drawings of local objects to students. Students determine the signs of local objects, with the help of which it is possible to determine directions to the sides of the horizon. I convince them that this method is less reliable than those outlined above. However, in certain circumstances it can be useful, and sometimes the only possible one.

From long-term observations it has been established that:

  • the bark of trees on the north side is usually coarser and darker than on the south;
  • moss and lichen cover tree trunks, stones, rocks on the north side;
  • anthills are located on the south side of trees, stumps, bushes; their south side is flatter than the north;
  • on coniferous trees, resin accumulates on the south side;
  • berries and fruits during the ripening period acquire a mature color on the south side;
  • the branches of the tree are usually more developed, denser and longer on the south side;
  • near isolated trees, poles, large stones, the grass grows thicker on the south side;
  • clearings in large forests, as a rule, are cut strictly along the line
  • North South West East;
  • at the ends of the pillars numbering blocks of forests from west to east;
  • the altars and chapels of Orthodox churches face east, the bell towers face west;
  • the lower bar of the cross on the church is raised to the north;
  • on south-facing slopes, snow melts faster in spring than on north-facing slopes; the concave side of the moon, on the minaret of Muslim mosques, faces south.


When orienting on the ground, the value of the horizontal angle is determined approximately by eye or with the help of improvised means.

Most often, when orienting on the ground, magnetic azimuth is used, since the direction of the magnetic meridian and the magnitude of the magnetic azimuth can be easily and quickly determined using a compass. If you need to set the angle value, you first need to find the initial direction. This will be the magnetic meridian.

The magnetic meridian is the direction (imaginary line) indicated by the magnetic needle and passing through the standing point.

Magnetic azimuth is the horizontal angle measured from the north direction of the magnetic meridian clockwise to the direction of the object (see Fig.). Magnetic azimuth (Am) has a value from 0 0 to 360 0 .

How to determine magnetic azimuths on a subject?

In order to determine the magnetic azimuth of an object using a compass, you need to face this object and orient the compass. While holding the compass in an orientated position, set the sighting device so that the sighting line of the slotted fly coincides with the direction of the local object.

In this position, the reading on the limb against the pointer at the front sight will show the magnitude of the magnetic (direct) azimuth (direction) to the object.

Tasks for determining the magnetic azimuth of an object.

To find the return path, the reverse azimuth is used, which differs from the direct one by 180 0 . To determine the reverse azimuth, add 180 0 "(if it is less than 180 0) to the direct azimuth or subtract 180 0 (if it is more than 180 0).

Exercise 1.

Determine back azimuths. Direct azimuth 260 0 ; Direct bearing 38 0

How to determine on the ground directions for a given azimuth? For this you need:

  • Set the compass front sight to a scale reading equal to the specified azimuth;
  • Holding the compass horizontally with the slit of the sighting device towards you, turn it so that the northern end of the magnetic needle stands against the zero division of the scale;
  • Keeping the compass in an oriented position, notice a distant object (landmark) on the terrain along the line of sight. This direction to the landmark will be
    desired direction corresponding to the given azimuth.

Exercise 2.

Determine directions for a given azimuth. Am \u003d 270 0; Am=93 0 ; Am=330 0 .


When performing various tasks in reconnaissance, when observing the battlefield, when targeting and orienting on the ground, etc. there is a need to quickly determine distances to landmarks, local objects, targets and objects.

There are various methods and devices for determining the distance.

Here's more simple ways measurements.

Eye gauge . The main methods of visual determination are by segments of the terrain, by the degree of visibility of the object.

By segments of the area lies in the ability to mentally represent the usual distance on the ground, for example, 50,100,200 m. It should be borne in mind that with increasing distance, the apparent value of the segment is constantly decreasing.

According to visibility . To determine distances by degree of visibility and the apparent magnitude of objects, a table is recommended.

Determination of distance by angular dimensions.

If the size is known (height, width or length), it can be determined by the thousandth formula,

Where the distance to the object is equal to the height (width, length) of the object in meters multiplied by 1000 and divided by the angle at which the object is visible in thousandths.

The angular values ​​of the targets are measured in thousandths using field glasses, as well as improvised means. (see pic.)

The "thousandth" formula is widely used in orienteering and in firefighting. With their help, many tasks are quickly and easily solved, for example:

1. A person whose average height is 1.7 m. Seen at an angle of 0-07. Determine the distance to the person. Solution D=W*1000/U=1.7*1000/7=243m

2. Enemy tank, height 2.4m, visible at an angle of 0-02.

Determine the range to the tank.

Solution. D=W*1000/U=2.4*1000/2=1200m.

Measuring distances in steps. When measuring distances, steps are counted in pairs. After every hundred pairs of steps, the counting starts again. In order not to go astray in the calculation, it is recommended to mark every hundred pairs of steps passed on paper or in some other way. In order to convert the distance measured by steps into meters, you need to know the length of the step. If it is sufficient to determine the distance traveled approximately, then it is assumed that the distance in meters is equal to the number of pairs of steps increased by one and a half times, since a pair of steps is on average 1.5 m.

For example, a person walked 450 pairs of steps. The distance traveled is approximately 450*1.5= 675m.

To automatically count the number of steps taken, a special pedometer device can be used.


The essence of movement along azimuths is the ability to find and maintain with the help of a compass the desired or given direction of movement and accurately reach the intended point, i.e. you need to know the data for movement - magnetic azimuths from one landmark to another and the distance between them. This data is prepared and presented in the form of a traffic route scheme or table.

Scheme for moving along azimuths

Table for moving along azimuths

Landmark number and name

Magnetic azimuth

Distance to azimuths

Pair of steps

1-separate coniferous tree

2-road bend



5-water tower

When moving along azimuths, intermediate (auxiliary) landmarks are used. In open areas without landmarks, the direction of movement is maintained along the alignment. For control, periodically check the direction of movement along the reverse azimuth and along the celestial bodies.

To bypass obstacles, they notice a landmark in the direction of movement on the opposite side of the obstacle, determine the distance to it and add this value to the length of the path traveled, bypass the obstacle and continue moving, determining the direction of the interrupted path using the compass.


Summing up the lessons.



In our time, all kinds of gadgets, GPS-navigators and other technical benefits of civilization have firmly entered the life of a modern person. But, unfortunately, sometimes they break, discharge, in general, they can let their owner down at the most inopportune moment. Therefore, any tourist should know the time-tested.

Orientation on the ground is the identification of one's dislocation relative to the cardinal points and any landmarks, which are usually taken as a starting point. As well as determining and maintaining the direction of movement to a given destination.

There are 4 ways to navigate the terrain. In the first case, apply geographic map. Also, a compass can be used to determine the sides of the world. Few people know, but the heavenly bodies can also help determine the location. And finally, natural objects and signs can give a hint.

What is this skill for?

Orientation on the ground- this is one of the most important skills that can really save more than one human life. Orientation can be done using a compass and a map. It's not very difficult. But, unfortunately, there are situations in which they are not available. Therefore, it is also extremely important to be able to navigate by the stars, the Moon, the Sun and local signs.

Orientation with a map

It should be noted that the map is a great helper in orienting on the terrain for a person who knows how to handle it correctly (knows the symbols, has an idea about scaling, knows how to determine the cardinal points).

In order to determine your location using a map, you need to compare the objects depicted on it (roads, rivers, power lines) with their real "twins" on the ground. For example: going to the bank of the river, you need to carefully trace its bends, and then by turning the map, correlate the real river with the one shown on the map. At the same time, the location of all other minor objects (tree, grove, detached building) must also correspond to reality. By determining the approximate distance between them (by eye or steps), you can accurately determine your location. All this information will help you plan your next itinerary.

Orientation with a compass

It is also good if a person going on a hike or a trip has a compass with him. Especially in terms of orientation, it is indispensable in cases where it is not possible to choose any orientation object (in the tundra, in the desert, in fog, in a dense forest).

To make the device a real helper, you need to check its serviceability. At home, having chosen a flat surface, you need to put a compass on it and wait until the arrow freezes. Next, you need any metal object (needle, scissors, knife). Bringing it to the compass, the needle should start moving again. Having removed the object, the arrow should again freeze in the position that it occupied before bringing the metal object to it. If this happens, the device is serviceable and can be used.

Also, when using a compass, you need to remember one very important rule: this tool cannot be used in the immediate vicinity of power lines, large metal objects, natural anomalies. Why? The thing is that the operation of this navigation device is based on the orientation of the magnetic needles parallel to the lines of the Earth's magnetic field. In other words, the arrows point to the earth's magnetic poles. The objects listed above can cause the compass needles to deviate.

In order to determine the cardinal points, it is necessary to lay the compass horizontally and release its arrow from the clamp. After some time, the arrow will stop moving and point with its selected end to the north (“north” end of the arrow can be painted in any color, it can be shorter or have the shape of an arrow). Having determined the north, other cardinal points can be found without any problems: on the opposite side there will be south, on the right (from north) - east, on the left - west.

Further, having chosen a well-visible object (tree, mountain, hill) along the route, you need to determine its azimuth. To do this, stand facing the object and align the scale mark "0" with the northern end of the arrow. In this case, the digital value on the compass scale towards the object will be its azimuth (and also the way back).

It should be remembered that the azimuth is measured exclusively clockwise. And nothing else!

For example:

North azimuth is 0º or 360º.

South - 180º.

West - 270º.

When returning back, the compass must be oriented so that the return line points forward. Without changing the position of the device, you slowly need to turn around in such a way that the magnetic needle of the compass points to the north.

Following the compass, a person will certainly end up at the point from which he began to make his way.

Orientation with the help of heavenly bodies

Every person must know how to navigate the terrain without a map and how to navigate the terrain without a compass. Sometimes it happens that there are no instruments and maps at hand. And you need to determine your location. How to be? In this case, the traveler can come to the aid of the methods that people have used for centuries.

In ancient times, the following orientation methods were especially popular:

  • By the sun.
  • Moon.
  • Stars.


With the help of the Sun, you can easily navigate without a map and compass to the cardinal points. True, the results will be approximate due to the error (but it is not so large).

There are several ways to determine the cardinal points using the daylight:

- with the help of wristwatches and the Sun;

- with the help of the Sun and the shadow created by the object;

- determination of the cardinal points based on the seasons.

Method 1: orientation on the ground with the help of a clock and the Sun (for the northern hemisphere)

With this method of orientation on the ground, you will need a watch with hands. The clock must be placed horizontally and the hour hand pointed at the sun. From the place where the hands are attached to the body of the product, you need to draw a line through the “1 hour” division. Further, through the resulting angle, you need to draw a bisector, which will indicate the south.

Method 2: using the shadow of an object

In this case, you will need a long object (a stick or a column stuck into the ground). The top of the shadow it casts should be noted. After waiting about 30 minutes, make a mark again (as the shadow will change its location). By drawing a line through these 2 points, you can determine the direction of east and west. To determine the north, you need to slightly extend the line after the second mark and stand with the toe of the left foot opposite the first point, and with the toe of the right foot at the end of the extended line. North is ahead.

Method 3: determining the cardinal points based on the seasons

You need to remember that:

  • From December to February, the sun rises in the southeast and sets in the southwest.
  • From June to August, it rises in the northeast and sets in the northwest.
  • From March to May and from September to November the Sun rises in the east and sets in the west.


In order to learn how to navigate the cardinal points with the help of the Moon, you need to familiarize yourself with some astronomical facts.

There are 4 lunar phases (changes in the shape of the moon that can be observed from the surface of the Earth):

  • New Moon (Moon is not visible in the sky at all).
  • The first quarter (its right side is visible).
  • Full moon (fully visible).
  • The last quarter (only the left part of the Earth's natural satellite is visible).

During the new moon, you will not be able to navigate to the cardinal points with the help of the Moon, since it is not visible in the sky. In the first quarter, it is visible in the south, approximately at 18:00-19:00 hours. At 12 o'clock at night, she goes beyond the horizon in the west. During the full moon, the Moon is visible at 18:00-18:30 in the east, at 00:00-00:30 it points to the south, and in the early morning - to the west. In the last quarter, the Moon points east at midnight. In the morning, at her setting, she will point south.


The natural ways of orienting in the area include determining the cardinal points with the help of stars. Usually, the well-known Polar Star is used for this. In addition, you can find the south through the constellation of the Southern Cross, and the east and west through the constellation Orion.

Method 1: Polaris.

The North Star or α Ursa Minor is located in the "handle" of the constellation Ursa Minor. For some people, it may not be easy to distinguish this constellation in the sky. Therefore, the search for the North Star is better to start from the constellation Ursa Major (looks like a bucket). You need to take the two extreme stars (they are called Dubhe and Merak) from the right vertical part of the "ladle". And count 5 distances between them up. α Ursa Minor found.

Next, you need to face her. This is the north. If you turn back, it will be south. Left is west, right is east. It is important to remember that determining the cardinal points with the help of the Glade Star is possible only in the northern hemisphere!

Method 2: the constellation of the Southern Cross.

This constellation can help you navigate the terrain in the southern hemisphere.

The constellation Southern Cross consists of 4 bright stars, connecting the opposite of which with a mental line, you can get a cross. To determine the south - you need to take the longest segment of the vertical line. Accordingly, the opposite end will point to the north. East will be on the left and west on the right.

Method 3: Constellation Orion.

By the constellation Orion, you can determine the west and east. The constellation consists of 7 stars, 3 of which (Mintaka, Alnilam, Alnitak) are included in the so-called Orion's Belt. They are called Orion's Belt. Since this constellation is located in the region of the celestial equator, at the time of sunrise it will point to the east, and when it sets to the west.

It happens that there is neither a map nor a compass at hand, and neither stars, nor the Moon, nor the Sun are visible in the sky. What to do in such a critical situation? You can refer to the methods of orienting on the ground according to local features and objects:

  • Usually, the bark on the trees is thinner and more delicate on the south side of the plant and rough on the north side.
  • Trees, stones, roofs of houses are covered with lichen faster from the north.
  • If you look closely at the coniferous trees, you will notice that more resin accumulates on the south side.
  • Ants build their dwellings on the south side of a tree or stump. Also, the north side of the anthill is steeper than the south.
  • Earlier, fruits and berries turn red and fill with juice from their southern side.
  • If you pay attention to a separate tree, you will notice that on its southern side the branches will be more dense and branched.
  • The head of a sunflower never faces north.
  • Snow near large stones, stumps or trees is looser on the north side, and covered with a crust on the south.

It should be noted that it is possible to determine the cardinal points according to these natural features with sufficient accuracy only if several of them give the same result.

The skill of orientation in unfamiliar terrain is needed for people of various professions, as well as for those who plan to go hiking, in the forest or just for a country walk. Sometimes a person's life and health may depend on whether this skill is available. Therefore, absolutely every person should know and be able to put into practice the main ways of orienting on the ground.

And at the end of a useful article on the topic of orienteering, we bring to your attention an equally interesting video clip.

Knowing several ways not to get lost in unfamiliar terrain, you can save the life of not only yourself. Orientation - the ability to determine one's location in relation to the sides of the horizon (east / west and south / north), the ability to navigate in relation to surrounding objects and determine the direction of further movement, adhering to the intended path.

When going on a trip, it is advisable to have a device for indicating the cardinal points (compass) and a topographic map of the area where the trip is planned. They will be the best guides.

On topographic maps, conventional icons indicate large and small objects. The ability to read topographic maps will help in moving to unknown places.

To begin with, the orientation of the map. The second step is to find out the exact location and find this place on topographic map. And the third step is to reconcile what is visible on the map with the surrounding area.

Focusing on the map, you should place it along the line of the earth. By turning the map so that the N designation looks north. Next, you need to check the parallelism of the conventional signs on the map in the form of continuous multi-colored stripes, with their originals on the ground.

You can orientate the map:

  • using a compass;
  • taking into account clearly visible objects;
  • comparing solid multi-colored stripes plotted on a topographic map with the realities of the area.

compass orientation

You can navigate using a compass either in the directions of the measuring grid on the map, or using the frame of the map for this. Of the three methods, this is the most labor intensive. Used in conditions where there are no visible landmarks in the circle.

Orientation by objects

Orientation on the ground in this way is possible in a situation where there is 100% confidence in the coordinates of the location, and the object marked with a symbol on a topographic map is visible to the naked eye.

Mentally or using a ruler, a line is drawn between the location and a visible landmark, while placing the map in the correct direction.

Orientation in straight lines on the ground

It is easier to orient the map when you are near some straight long objects (iron track, highway, river, river crossing, power transmission systems). In the horizontal plane, the map is rotated so that the image coincides with the object on the ground. Additional landmarks located on the right and left are taken into account, the exact direction is determined.

It is very easy to determine the location, being near one of the objects marked on the map. It can be a road crossing, a large tree located separately, a bridge. Having found the symbol of this object on the map, we get the place of our deployment at the moment.

In addition, you can determine the location:

  • approximately - by eye according to the nearest landmarks;
  • measuring the path traveled from the object depicted on the topographic map;
  • serifs on items found on the map.

compass orientation

Orientation on the ground, the methods of which have been used by people since ancient times, is possible with the help of a compass. Modern GPS navigators have replaced compasses. Of course, they are more convenient to use and special knowledge is not needed, but once in an unknown area and being deprived of a power source, you can get lost.

Tourist compasses, types:

All compasses work on the principle of a magnetized needle, which is located on the needle and is free in its rotations.

To understand the use of a compass, you need to understand such a term as azimuth. In geodesy, this is the angle between the pointer in the compass, looking towards the north (when aligned with zero on the indicator) and an imaginary pointer to a distant element of the neighborhood. The unit of measure for this angle is degrees. The azimuth is determined by the compass - in the clockwise direction.

When working with a compass and a map, you should place them in a horizontal projection. The top edge of the map is rotated to (C / N), respectively, below will be south (S / S), on the right is east (E / E), and on the left is west (W / W). The map and compass are placed on a hard surface, facing north.

The central part of the compass is placed at the current location. The place where the route lies is selected. Again, you need to spin along with the compass and the map, until the pointer aligns with the north. Now you can start moving, remembering to make sure that the arrow is always directed to the north bulb of the compass.

When setting off on a journey through an unknown area, in order not to stray from the designated course without a map, having only a compass available, it is necessary to find an outstanding relief or a large object. It is convenient to use the road.

It is necessary to take a position at a visible distance from the selected object in a perpendicular direction. Then turn around to face the chosen landmark. Bring the compass into working and horizontal condition.

Rotate the compass until the north arrow points to zero on the digital part of the compass. Then draw a line in your imagination from the center of the compass to the selected object. The opposite side on the compass (front sight) will be the indicator of the direction of movement. Further, periodic reconciliation on the road - whether the path has deviated too much from the chosen course.

The way back - a fixed front sight is configured on the compass. Then again you need to spin until the north arrow and the number zero coincide. You can continue to move in the direction of your gaze.

Sun Orientation

Orientation on the ground, the methods of which are useful for preparing for a long journey, must be well studied in case of failure of all technical devices. Sometimes a working compass is not able to help with accurate coordinates. Being within the radius of those places where the direction of magnetic fields is not the same as everywhere else.

The proximity of metal objects also negatively affects the operation of the compass.

1. At dawn at 6 o'clock on the east side, the sun rises daily. Leaning towards the sunset in the western direction, at 18 o'clock it disappears from our field of vision. Exactly at noon and midnight, the main celestial body - crosses the north-south direction. Armed with this knowledge, the directions of the cardinal directions will be known four times a day.

2. The oldest device for determining the meridian is the gnomon. Any flat object - a stick is installed strictly perpendicular to the flat surface of the earth. The shadow cast by the gnomon, or rather its size and location, determines the time.

The sun is at its zenith in the afternoon - the shadow from the stick will be the shortest. Empirically, the shortest length of the shadow segment is found. Observation of the size and movement of the shadow is carried out during several daylight hours. The direction indicated by this shadow is south.

3. Determining the cardinal points by the hypotenuse between two identical shadows from the gnomon. In the morning, the size of the shadow from the pole is fixed and a break until after lunch, when the shadow on the other side will be exactly the same size.

Then a bisector is drawn (a line dividing the angle in half) between the lines of shadows of the same length, which were observed during the day. Whether it will be north or south depends on the time of year and on the latitude of the area in which the person is located.

Polaris Orientation

Being in the northern hemisphere at night, you can navigate by the polar star. The easiest way to find it is by focusing on the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. Each of them consists of seven stars, which are arranged in the form of a small and a large bucket. Each bucket has a handle.

The extreme stars of the bucket (Ursa Major) are called Merak and Dubhe. If you draw an imaginary line from Merak through Dubhe and then five more similar segments approximately, then it will point to the extreme star of Ursa Minor (at the end of the ladle handle).

The method of orienteering with the help of stars or the sun is only suitable in clear weather

This is the polar star. The polar star points due north. In addition, it is one of the few stars that are almost motionless, so you can always navigate by it.

Having determined the north side, you need to become facing north. Behind will be south, on the right - east, on the left - west. Having lost your way on the ground and found a polar star, you need to act according to the plan: search for a large visible landmark, go to this landmark, check the star again, search for a new landmark, and so on.

Moon Orientation

Orientation on the ground, the methods of which include determining the directions of the cardinal points using the Moon, involves the establishment of the north-south and west-east meridian. At night, with high clouds, it is not always possible to find the North Star. At the same time, the Moon, almost always, is clearly visible in the starry sky.

If the moon is shining brightly and there is time, then you can use the shadow method, by analogy with the sun.

The full moon, like the sun, rises in the east. And goes beyond the horizon - in the west. At midnight is due south. By 19 o'clock it moves to the east. And at seven in the morning it will be in the west, but this is only true on a full moon.

There are four lunar stages:

When the moon is not full, you first need to find out which moon is in the sky - waning or new. In the imagination, you need to draw a line from the sharp ends of the moon, if the letter “P” is obtained, then this is a growing moon. If without a line, the moon looks like the letter "C" - this is a waning moon.

Further, in the imagination, the Moon is divided into 12 equal parts. It should be calculated how many parts entered the illuminated part (directly into the sickle). When the moon gets older, you need to add the number of visible parts and the time of measurement (meaning hours).

When the Moon is new, the same thing is done, only not by addition, but by subtraction. The number that will be obtained as a result of mathematical manipulations corresponds to the time at which the sun is located in the direction of the moon.

plant orientation.

Mushrooms grow mainly on stumps or under trees. They, like moss and lichens, prefer the north side. Seeing a large, well-lit meadow with berries, you should pay attention to the side where there are more ripened fruits - there will be south.

Carefully studying the grassy hillocks, one can easily determine the north and south. In different months, the appearance of the grass cover is not the same. In spring, the grass on the northern slopes is thickest. In June and July, the grass growing on the south side is denser. Closer to August, the grass turns yellow where the sun shines more.

The northern part of the tree bark is much thicker. Birches and pines have darkening on the trunks on the north side. Trees should be examined only standing alone, which are not in the shade of anything. There are more resin drops on coniferous trees on the south side. A large black stripe on a birch will point north.

animal orienteering

Ants always have their homes on the south side of the slopes. The northern part of the anthill is steeper, while the southern part is flatter. Wild bees and wasps always build their hives on the south sides of trees or buildings. With patience and watching a motionless butterfly, you can find out where the north and south are. Butterflies constantly turn the narrow part of their wings towards the sun's rays.

In the early morning, the folded wings of a butterfly will point to the east. At lunchtime, head south. And by supper, the wings of the butterfly will point to the west. Migratory birds head north in the spring. And in the fall, respectively, they return to the south.

bird nests:

  1. Swallows love to nest under eaves. And only on the north side of the houses, their nests will be visible.
  2. The south side near the trees attracts woodpeckers, owls and eagle owls.
  3. Being in the open sea, having heard the hubbub of birds, one must look for the land with his eyes.

terrain orientation

A clearly defined terrain, where there are many ravines, ups and downs, makes it easier to navigate the terrain.

Orientation with a watch

There is a way when with the help of conventional watches you can carry out orientation in the area. In an unfamiliar place without any guides, a wrist watch will not be superfluous at all. But electronic watches can also help, you need to present a dial and hands on them, and the clock shows the time.

The hour hand must be placed towards the sun, between the conditional line of the sun and the number 13 on the dial, you get an angle. Divide it in half - this will be the south.

When determining the cardinal directions in this way:

This method is used in the time period from six in the morning to six in the evening. We must not forget that in some countries a mode of switching to summer / winter time has been introduced. Depending on this, the second point of the angle can be from 12 to 14.

Orientation by radio signals

Orientation on the ground, the methods of which include the use of various equipment, is possible only with the availability of modern technology. One of these methods is the capture of signals broadcast by radio points. The use of this method requires the presence of a radio receiver and a compass without fail.

It is necessary to find the strongest signals and remember them using a compass (calculate the bearing). Ideally, when the signal source is broadcast from one of the cardinal points.

In the future, having lost orientation in the area, the radio is set in the direction of the worst sound, this will indicate the further path line, the one that was previously recorded using the compass.

Building orientation

Once in an unfamiliar settlement and not being able to communicate with the local population, it is not so difficult to determine the cardinal directions and find the right direction for further movement.

  1. Orthodox churches are built in such a way that the altar is turned to the east side.
  2. The chapels of the Lutheran church face east.
  3. The bell towers are located on the western side. On the crosses, the oblique / transverse bar is placed strictly to the north and south.
  4. In Muslim regions, the main doors of mosques are arranged with a north orientation.
  5. The synagogues of the Jews, place the doors by analogy with mosques - to the north.
  6. Buddhists build temples with doors to the south. Pagodas, shrines and facades are built on the south side.
  7. Northern peoples build their yurts in such a way that the entrance is from the south side.
  8. In the old days, village and rural houses were equipped in such a way that the windows opened to the south.
  9. The painted walls are cracking and turning yellow on the south side.
  10. In the cemeteries of Greek Catholics and Orthodox Christians, grave crosses face east.

Old buildings were built according to the old canons, new religious buildings may not comply with the above rules.

The ability not to get lost in an unfamiliar area and to apply orientation methods are extremely important in modern conditions, when civilization no longer requires knowledge of how to find a way in an unfamiliar area.

Article formatting: Mila Fridan

Video about orienteering

Orientation on the ground:

Everyone should be able to navigate the terrain using special means or folk signs. This will help in a critical situation to find the only right way out. Therefore, we will further consider 10 ways of orienting on the ground.

Method Navigator

1. Method. Orientation on the map

The map is one of the best ways to find your way around. Therefore, it is recommended to take a map before the trip, as well as study it in detail. You need to be able to read all the symbols, so it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the map in advance so that there are no problems in the future.

In order to navigate the map, it is recommended to compare it with real objects. So you need to find one object on the map and in real life. This will be the starting point that will allow you to find the right path. Of course, the best solution would be to have a map and a compass with you.

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2. Method. compass orientation

The 4 main ways of orienting include determining the terrain using a compass. In order to obtain accurate data, the compass must be placed on a flat horizontal surface. There should be no difficulty in determining the cardinal points. The presence of a compass will allow you to determine the exact location on the map.

3. Way. Sun Orientation

So you can easily determine the cardinal points using the position of the planets. So there is a special table that will allow you to calculate the location by the position of the Sun at different times of the year.

You can also use a mechanical watch. In this case, there should be cloudless weather. The clock must be placed on a horizontal surface so that the main hand looks towards the Sun. Next, the angle between the two arrows must be divided in half and draw a line that will point south.

4. Method. Polaris Orientation

This method is only suitable for night time and cloudless weather. If you can see the North Star, then you can try to determine the cardinal directions from it. You need to know that the North Star is in the north, so it is recommended to face it in order to determine the direction. The North Star is part of the constellation Ursa Major.

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5. Method. Moon Orientation

It happens that apart from the Moon nothing else is visible in the sky, then you can use its position to determine the cardinal points. You need to know that at different times and phases the Moon has a different position. If you have special knowledge, then you can approximately find the right path. These were the main ways of orienting on the ground.

6. Method. plant orientation.

You can easily determine the cardinal points in the forest if you navigate by plants. So there are certain plants that like to grow in damp places, so they choose the northern part of the tree, for example, lichen and moss. At the same time, grass likes to grow on the south side of a particular object. Clearings are always cut through the forest from north to south. On the south side, berries and fruits ripen faster.

7. Method. animal orienteering

Insects also allow you to determine the desired direction of the world. So you need to watch where the anthill is. If you find a stump, then the anthill from it will be located on the south side. We also pay attention to the shape of the anthill. If one of the sides is more gentle, then this is the south. Also steppe bees choose the south side for hives.

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8. Method. terrain orientation

It is necessary to assess the area, if it is winter, then we pay attention to the snow. On the south side, the snow melts faster. Moss also grows on the walls of old houses, of course, on the north side.

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9. Method. Orientation by radio signals

Of course, first of all, you need to have a radio receiver for orientation in space. To do this, you need to fix the signals of the most powerful radio stations using the compass bearing. In this case, it is better that the direction of the signal coincides with one of the cardinal points. Further, if you lose orientation, you need to install the receiver in the direction of the worst sound, which will point to the right side of the world, which was previously recorded by the compass.

10. Method. Building orientation

In addition, you can pay attention to various structures. So the altars of Orthodox churches are always facing east. Bell towers were always built on the western part. You can also look at the cross. The lower oblique crossbar points south and north. These are the lower and upper ends, respectively. The doors of Muslim mosques and Jewish synagogues are turned to the north. Facades of Buddhist monasteries face south. These are the most popular ways of orienting and determining the direction of movement.

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Sometimes, being in the wild, it is necessary to have such skills as orientation in space. When you urgently need to determine the cardinal directions relative to yourself, knowledge will come to the rescue to be able to navigate in the forest without a map and a compass, or only with a compass. This will be discussed.

How to navigate without a map

Being in the forest without a map, do not rush to panic, there are:

By compass

As you approach the forest, turn your face in the direction you are going to go. Take the compass, and, holding it strictly horizontal, turn it so that the letter N on the dial is shifted by the north end to the compass needle. While strictly maintaining this alignment (a fundamental requirement when using a compass), look at which number on the compass dial is on the side you are going to go. If it shows 60, it means that the azimuth is 60. Azimuth is the direction in degrees. Azimuth is determined if the direction is already determined visually. Suitable when it is necessary to control the straightness of the movement in the direction.

Orientation by heavenly bodies

  1. Stars. To navigate by the stars, you need to find the bucket of the Big Dipper. It consists of 7 bright stars. Mentally connect the 2 extreme stars, on the continuation of the line passing between them, set aside five of the same segments. You will see the polar star. It is above the northern side of the horizon. You can also check out the.
  2. Sun. If you stand facing the rising sun, the left will be north and the right south. With the help of shadows. Find a branch about a meter long and stick it vertically into the ground. Mark every 15 minutes the tip of the shadow. The shortest shadow indicates the noon line, i.e. north or south. Determination of directions to the sides of the horizon by compass, celestial bodies, signs of local objects. Another way to navigate the heavenly body - read more in our article.

Orientation without a map

In nature, there are many natural landmarks. All of them are inaccurate, like heavenly bodies, if you find several clues at the same time, then the chance of accuracy increases. Let's look at some of the tips.

  1. Moss. Moss does not like direct sunlight, warm places and is located from the northern part of the trees. It is important not to make a mistake in a dense forest, where there is little light, moss grows on all sides of the trees. If it grows around a tree, it is not The best way orientation. If moss grows on several trees on one side, it will be northern.
  2. Tree branches. The longest branch of the tree will point to the warmest and sunniest side - the south. Crown of trees. Long branches in one direction, short ones in the other. Short - point to the north. If you look at a tree near the clearing, all the trees will stretch with long branches towards the clearing. If all the trees in a dense forest point in one direction, this is the south.
  3. Anthill. Pay attention to its sides, they will be different in steepness. The short side of the anthill is directed to the cold side of the forest (north), the long and gentle side to the sunny side (south). You can read more about how to navigate the anthill on our website.


It is important to understand why you need to understand which side of you is north or south. If you are sure that there is a settlement, a railway or a river to the north of the forest, then knowledge will help you get to them.

If you absolutely do not know where you are, it is better to stay overnight, build a shelter and build a fire.

A few simple rules to avoid getting lost

  1. Warn loved ones where you are going before going to the forest.
  2. Dress brightly so that you can be clearly seen against the green forest background.
  3. Carry your phone, knife, matches, compass or watch with you. You should take a well-charged battery for your phone.
  4. If someone close to you does not get in touch for a long time, urgently call the rescue service.

If you get lost. First, calm down, panic will aggravate the situation. Try to remember the largest and most remarkable objects that are likely to come out of the forest. Determine the cardinal direction according to the signs described in the article, and go in the direction in which the desired object should be located.

If you went to railway, river or path, then they will definitely lead you to locality. If it's a river, you need to go with the flow. If you don't know the area, try climbing a tall tree. Don't forget to be careful. From a height, it is possible to see various objects, such as towers.

So, once again briefly. If you get lost, don't panic. If you are sure that they are looking for you, stay where you are. Not only your behavior is important, but also what you are wearing. Pants must be tucked into shoes. The jacket must be elasticated on the sleeves and at the torso. Clothing should be tight.

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